Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bags are Packed...

My bags are packed. Two checked bags both weighing in at 52 lbs each. Please say a prayer that I can sweet talk the airlines into letting those 4 extra pounds slide! It took some time but it all fit, well most all. I had to leave behind a lot. I feel so stripped of my comforts. But then I feel so humbled so I know there will be a greater outcome. Feel free to send me some winter clothing around the month of May because I have a feeling I packed more summer clothing then winter. oops! Whats going to be funny is carrying on my "carry on" because its more of a massive backpack that should probably be checked. Say another prayer! Packing is funny and then its annoying and then it is over and what your forgot you just live with out. I won't give you a list of what I packed just know it was a lot. I will post pictures below. Future Peace Corps Volunteers, good luck to you!

So I fly to Miami tomorrow to meet 40 new friends! We register at the hotel around 6pm and then have orientation all day on Thursday. I officially leave the country Thursday night. A red eye to Paraguay! I will keep you all updated as best I can. Speaking of you all, as in my readers.. thank you!

Thank you for all your encouraging text, emails,cards, calls, facebook post and comments. I have not missed a single one. Thank you for sharing your love and your thoughts. They have comforted me as I have had to say a lot of good byes these last few days. Thank you for believing in me and being so proud. I know I am being supported so well and it means so much. Muchas gracias! My dear family- you have been the best, you have blown me away with your love and support. I will miss you terrible but will see you at the chapel! Friends you rock! I can't wait to share this adventure with you and please come vist! You have a place to stay, just bring your own pillow because I had to leave mine behind.

I know you are all dying to know what one does on their last night at home? Well let me tell you, it's pretty exciting. I am currently wearing my favorite big T-shirt that I couldn't fit in my bags, laying in bed with my mom and blogging over a bowl of popcorn. And I could not be more pleased. I'm Resting tonight and enjoying my comfort zone because tomorrow my adventure begins and my comfort zone will be shattered. Hello World!

A friend gave me a quote today I want to share with you. Its cheesy but you all know I have a cheesy side-
"Don't count the days, make the days count"

                                          Packing away my life, I look happy but it was stressful!
                          Bags are packed! Notice the giant tub coming out my pack, just my giant map!

I will try and blog tomorrow or Thursday before I leave the United States! Love you all and thank you for reading and following me! The best is yet to come!

1 comment:

  1. Roni! I am so excited for you!! This is the start of a really incredible journey. This summer I was nannying for a sweet family, and one week their grandmother came into town. I was expecting your typical grandmother who made cookies and spoiled their grand kids, but instead I met a lady who invigorated, challenged, and inspired me. She was a world traveller! She worked in the peace corps in many many different areas. She was very skilled at what she did - studying the area and the people, determining what their needs are, and reporting to the US government. She talked about all different kinds of cultures - their customs, cleaning habits, foods. She would talk about how she longed for comforts like chocolate, but added that she didn't ask for many things to be sent to her as she wanted to be immerged in the culture. She was over 80 years old and she was still travelling! After meeting her, I was reminded of how much bigger this world is than the United States. She showed me how much adventure we can have in life and how much we can settle for less. I can see her in you. I feel like you are right where her journey began, and I can't wait to hear your stories. I am amazed at your courage! Cling to the Lord and all His promises :)

    - Jenn Gray
