Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Welcome to Miami...

A quick update from Miami, its hot and part of me already feels like I am in South America. My bags and I made it through the air port, slowly. It was not fun carrying 100 lbs of my belongings around. I probably should have packed lighter, way lighter. But oh well!

I met the other volunteers tonight and we went out to dinner. It was a cool crowd. We are all in the same situation and all about the same age. It will be fun getting to know them over the next few months. Tomorrow is a full day of ice breakers and get to know you kind of stuff! I will be flying out of the country tomorrow! I am still kinda sad and missing everyone from home but already having such a great experience. I will share one cool story-

I was on the hotel shuttle and a large travelers tour group got on. One of the girls looked like a PCV (peace corps volunteer) turns out she wasn't just traveling with her mom. We got to talking briefly and arrived at the hotel and wished each other the best and went on with our way. Then I went to the hotel restaurant to grab some dinner and she was there with her mom and they invited me to eat with them. We chatted about our travels, shared stories and laughed. They are from Bethesda, Maryland! Anyways  she was such a kind person and I was so thankful to share a meal with her and her mom. Then tonight I ran into her and some other travelers again. We chatted and shared more stories! Life is so exciting and unexpected and there really are some really cool people in the world! Great meeting you Brenna and company! I hope you come to Paraguay! Wishing you the Best!

Its fun making connections and meeting like minded people! Its wild the blessing a stranger can have on your life, thanks for all the love! I will talk to you all soon!

Bon Voyage! 


  1. What a small world to meet someone in Miami that is from MD :-) You are going to meet so many really cool people.. I am so excited/jealous for you haha

    I love you!

    Your sister and bride-to-be haha

    P.S. Every post on your blog I will write you a little note!

  2. It as so wonderful to meet you, Roni! Safe travels!!! Hope to see you in Paraguay and I look forward to updates.
