Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pictures, Finally!

I am currently on a visit with a Peace Corps volunteer, getting the whole PCV experience and life style. She lives in a very rural community outside of a larger town called Caacupe. It is pretty mountainous and remote. I will blog about that later. While I have somewhat good internet I wanted to add some pictures so you can visually see what I've been up to the last 3 weeks!

This is a picture of the house I am living in. It is a family of 4. My Mom, Dad and 2 sisters. It is really nice for a Paraguay home, I like it a lot. 

Another view from my house of a sun setting. 

This is the side yard to my house, I spend a lot of time here reading and relaxing!  
This is the pig my family has. It is not a pet, they plan on killing it for Easter to eat. My dad says I am welcome to watch the slaughtering process...  
This is my host sister Karen, she is 15. She is very nice and we hang out a lot. I had just gone on a run so i'm not looking so great ! 

This is a view of the field infront of my house. Other trainee's live in those houses in the distance.  
These are some of the girls that live in my community and are also trainees. This was after class one day getting ice cream and waiting for the bus! As you can tell we look very hot and sweaty!  

Paraguay has beautiful clouds and the sky is so big here!  
This is my family's sweet little dog! Her name is Camilla and I love her! She is no Summer but very friendly and lovable. She eats breakfast with me every morning and we play together a lot.  

Another field with cows, pretty common here. Cows are all over and are not so friendly.  
A very happy day for me when I found avocado's in the market! I made guacamole for my family and they loved it!  
This is a picture of my muddy feet after walking to the bus stop in the dark.. great way to start the day!  
The lovely Paraguay busses. This picture does NO justice but I needed you to have an idea of what they look like!  
Touring around the Downtown Center of the  City 

Me being a tourist with the Rio de Paraguay in the background!  

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE ALL THE PICTURES! Little Camilla looks so much like cute I bet those two would get along. Show them a picture of Summer.

    I can't go over how different everything is there and the scenery is so pretty and peaceful.

    xoxo Rachel
