Saturday, February 9, 2013

I have Arrived!

Hello From Paraguay! What a long flight, but I made it and so did all my luggage!

Its so different here, lots of adjustments, LOTS! My family does not speak any english, so I am learning quickly and it is funny at times trying to communicate. My family is nice and they have been very welcoming. They have a big house with an indoor bathoom and kitchen and a car. They also have internet! I found them facebook stalking me, haha! I have my own room with a big fan and window. They have a beautiful yard and we spend a lot of time outside, more on that later.

I walk a lot each day, everyone walks. But I have 10 other PCV in my community so we do things together. We have training 7 days a week starting Monday. The PC office is very nice and the people are nice too.

We eat dinner very late here. My host mom made me pizza last night with salsa and corn and eggs...haha it wa good. And tonight she is making chicken with the old bay I gave her. I will let you know if they like it. They keep asking for pictures of my house, its funny. Oh and I showed them pictures of all my family and friends and they LOVED YOU. muy lindo!! ( very cute) Also they have a dog like Summer, her name is Camilla and we play a lot.

Thinking of you all the time! I will post pictures when I can! Love you all!

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