Friday, February 15, 2013

On Week in Paraguay

Hello everyone,hope you enjoyed your chocolate holiday! I have officially been in Paraguay for a week. Lots of adjustments and such. I will blog more later but wanted to give you a little update. 

Training is going well, lots a class and lots of information. I am learning so much about the culture, Peace Corps and the languages. We have class 8-5 every day and 8-11 on Saturdays. I am so tired by the night. But I some how find time to do things in the evening. We don’t eat dinner till 8:30 so there is lots of room for activities. 

I’ve been getting along with my family really well. I think they have adopted me as a family member. I am now able to communicate better and make jokes. There are not so many awkward silences. My sisters and I are really becoming friends and I like spending time with them. Also my host mom makes me pop corn every day! Its a dream, like how is it possible that I get to eat my favorite american snack every day. I love that part of the day. Today I even had to twice. And its healthier no loads of butter and some how I like it more, just plain popped corn and some oil... yummy! 

Also today I did my first load of hand washed laundry.. and my oh my was it a process! I was so humbled. I wear to many clothes and will be limiting the amount I change clothes. Also there is no way I can let the dirty clothes sit. I would literally be doing laundry for 10 hours. So a little every 3 days will keep me on track. My arms got such a work out washing those clothes! 

All is well, the sky is beautiful and its been raining so its cooler. I am learning a lot and finding small joys. My host mom is cooking with the old bay I gave her so we are enjoying a taste of home at dinner! I have never eaten more carbs and meat and carbs and meat in my life.. oh and sugar lots of sugar ! No such thing as a “low card diet” or let alone a healthy one... I am the strange one who just keeps asking for water. I was sick earlier this week and being dehydrated is the last thing I want! 

Enjoy your weekend and GO NAVY BEAT ARMY! 

1 comment:

  1. HEY! I am sorry I swear I left a comment on here over the weekend but I guess it did not go through! Anyways, I enjoyed our talk yesterday it was and I said to mom that you sounded very happy and excited to tell us everything you are doing there so I am so happy to hear!

    I will be sending you something small today hopefully it won't take too long:-) I LOVE YOU
