Monday, February 11, 2013


Fun Facts about Paraguay and things I want to Remember- 

There are many things that are specific to the Paraguayan culture that no one would understand unless you were living here. But I am living here and don’t completely understand the culture but its only been 3 days.. Either way there are a few things that stick out that I want to remember, find interesting and think you would enjoy knowing. A lot has happened since I’ve arrived here and I want to try and remember all that I can and share with you. Enjoy! 

  1. Paraguayans eat every meal together, at the table sitting down and they don’t drink anything until they finish their meal. Except I always have my water in hand! 
  2. Drinks... lots of soda and sugar filled drinks. For all ages, nothing makes me more sad then seeing a mother put soda in the bottle for her one year old. No bueno. They have coke at least 4 times a day and think I’m weird when I ask for more water. 
  3. Beer, lots of beer, gross beer, worse then natty light. And wine, cold red wine mixed with a coke. It is actually really good, had my first glass with my host sister Sandra, she is 25 and is a nurse.  
  4. Family, my host mom, Maria Analya is a dress maker and is nice. My host dad, Aldofo works for a concrete company and is really funny. My other sister, Karen is 15 and I spend the most time with her. She also has a twitter, which I find strange. 
  5. More family, everywhere. Maria’s mom lives next door along with their aunt and uncle and kids. Paraguayans don’t leave home, ever. Unless you are going to work or church. 
  6. Tranquillo, as they call it is their lifestyle. Which translates to relaxing. Everything is relaxing and outdoors. You can find everyone outside at all hours of the day sitting drinking their special tea or in their hammock or sleeping. Its been a nice break from America. There is absolutely no hustle and no bustle in Paraguay. And there is a mandatory nap hour after lunch called siesta!
  7. All the homes sell stuff from their home, yes thats right you can buy clothes, beer and earrings out of your neighbors family room. 
  8. Tea..called terre. Its so good and its everywhere. Each person brings it with them everywhere. Basically its a bunch of herbs, plants and spices crushed up into a cup. You put a straw in the cup and add cold water and sip and pass. Everyone drinks from the same straw, you share it all. Terre is sipped on all day, everyday. You can walk up to any Paraguayan and ask for a sip of their Terre. They will say yes and invite you to relax and enjoy the day. 
  9. Sharing, they share everything. Everyone drinks from the same cup, same straw same bottle, same can. At first its weird and then  you just get used to it and pass everything around. We are one, right?
  10. Fiestas.. Paraguayans know how to party! Today I went to my first fiesta and danced for 7 hours, thats a lot of dancing and it rained. So I got to dance in the rain barefoot to live Paraguayan music, it was a dream and made for a good Sunday! When you have 300 people from the community gather to drink, eat and dance you are sure to have a good time! Expect when drunk Paraguayan chicos ( men)  ask for your number and for you to kiss them.. then things get a little awkward and I walk away.. Adios! 
  11. Paraguayans love long hair, who would have known, I’m safe! 
  12. I have a wonderful lime tree in my back yard, limes whenever! Lauren you would be in heaven! 
  13. My room is teal and it is pouring rain right now and I am finding a calming peace about being here. 
  14. Breakfast consists of a hard roll with cameral sauce called Dulce de leche, fake instant coffee with milk and a banana. I am hungry an hour later.  
  15. My family has a little fluff ball dog named Camilla and I love her! 
  16. The dirt here is red and it has already dyed all of my belongings. 
  17. The toilet paper goes in the trash always. But I never remember so I hope the toilet doesn’t clog each time I flush... oops
  18. They do have hot showers you just risk getting electric shock when using the heater, its thrilling
  19. All in all it is an adjustment. I am the quiet Americana that uses poor spanish grammar and doesn’t say much. Who would have thought me quiet? Not in this blog! 
  20. I’m learning and taking each day at a time. 

Things I am craving- 
  1. Real coffee, City Dock or DD would be wonderful 
  2. Salty Potato Chips, the kind Scott likes that are really bad for you but SOOO good. I think its because I had so many for the Super bowl. I blame Rachel for buying them. 
  3. To hug my mom! 
  4. Selfishly to instragram all the cool pictures here, yes that is lame but its the truth. Yall would love it! 

Pictures to come soon! 


  1. Those are some interesting facts! Dancing in the rain is so much fun but be careful of those creepy men I am sure they think you are so beautiful (which you are :-)

  2. Very cool stuff! Maybe you'll get some Lays in a care package ;-)
