Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One Week and Engagement!

Well it's here. In one week I will be packing up 1 large duffle bag, 1 rolling suitcase, an extremely large back pack and all the belongings that I can fit to head to Paraguay. The question I've been pondering a lot these past few days is what  should I be sure to bring  for the next  2 years? Like one thing I couldn't live with out...I still have yet to come up with something. So lets make this interactive and you tell me. Leave me a comment of that one thing you think I should bring. Its kinda like that question "if you were stranded on an island what are the 3 things you would want with you?" My answer changes daily!

So the bags are not packed but come Monday and Tuesday you will find me in my basement packing and re packing until it all fits. Until then we have something to celebrate before I leave something really big! My older sister, Rachel got engaged last week! She is getting married and her sweet fiance, Scott wanted to propose before I left so we could celebrate a little. So my mom and I are throwing them an engagement party this weekend! Congratulations you two, I am so happy to be here for this fun time! Here is a picture of them!! Scott,  you did good and welcome to the family!

A lot of people have been asking what I will be doing in Paraguay and what is the Peace Corps like in Paraguay and yada yada. And honestly I only know a little of what I will be doing, and what I know could change very easily when I get down there. I will keep you updated as I learn more. But for now I found this video about Peace Corps Paraguay. It's a little dated but gives you an understand of the mission of Peace Corps in Paraguay! I hope you enjoy!

Jajotopata! ( See ya later in Guanani) 


  1. That is so sweet of you! I LOVE IT AND I LOVE YOU! :-)

  2. can i list more than one thing? bible & meds. two things you can't live without. and a good book for the down-times. sometimes that's when loneliness and self-doubt creep in so fill it with a good book and don't let yourself dwell on negative things! also you for sure need a camera (duh). and a direct line to your good friend allison paige to tell her of all the amazing things you saw/did.
