Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Party and 3 weeks.

A few weeks ago my mom and aunt threw me a going away party. And it was wonderful, I felt so special  loved and taken care of. A big big BIG thanks to my mother and my aunt Puff and uncle Dan for hosting and making this party happen. This party was special for many reasons. One being that in one house my family and friends showed up to support me and send me off well. I've never been a fan of birthday parties or graduation parties for myself. I don't like to be the center of anything and I get stressed out when different groups of people are gathered in my honor, its weird I know. So I wasn't sure how this party would go and it went great! Although I wish so many of my friends didn't live so far away! You will all missed.  The best part for me was seeing everyone gathered and getting excited for me to go to Paraguay. I needed to see that. Excited people are contagious!

That party exhausted me and my mother, but it was worth it and I loved it. I loved everything about it. I have always enjoyed putting on parties and gathering people close to me and entertaining them. But I felt that this party was unique in the way that the people who gathered entertained me in returned. I was entertained by your words, hugs, wishes, cards and sweet thoughtful gifts. It was all so special and such a blessing. I will carry all of that to Paraguay along with the many pictures my cousin Zak took. Thanks for that Zak! Also check out the cake below, my Aunt Lynn really went all out, thank you thank you! I promise it wasn't a real suitcase and we indeed ate it and it was good!

If you weren't able to make it to the party, we missed you! It was really such a good time. I wish I could see everyone before I leave, but that just isn't possible, so give me a call or something!  I have 3 more weeks starting today....wild and pretty amazing. Flights are booked and everything is set, this is really happening ya'll.

Here are some pictures from my party, more too come soon!

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