Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pictures, Finally!

I am currently on a visit with a Peace Corps volunteer, getting the whole PCV experience and life style. She lives in a very rural community outside of a larger town called Caacupe. It is pretty mountainous and remote. I will blog about that later. While I have somewhat good internet I wanted to add some pictures so you can visually see what I've been up to the last 3 weeks!

This is a picture of the house I am living in. It is a family of 4. My Mom, Dad and 2 sisters. It is really nice for a Paraguay home, I like it a lot. 

Another view from my house of a sun setting. 

This is the side yard to my house, I spend a lot of time here reading and relaxing!  
This is the pig my family has. It is not a pet, they plan on killing it for Easter to eat. My dad says I am welcome to watch the slaughtering process...  
This is my host sister Karen, she is 15. She is very nice and we hang out a lot. I had just gone on a run so i'm not looking so great ! 

This is a view of the field infront of my house. Other trainee's live in those houses in the distance.  
These are some of the girls that live in my community and are also trainees. This was after class one day getting ice cream and waiting for the bus! As you can tell we look very hot and sweaty!  

Paraguay has beautiful clouds and the sky is so big here!  
This is my family's sweet little dog! Her name is Camilla and I love her! She is no Summer but very friendly and lovable. She eats breakfast with me every morning and we play together a lot.  

Another field with cows, pretty common here. Cows are all over and are not so friendly.  
A very happy day for me when I found avocado's in the market! I made guacamole for my family and they loved it!  
This is a picture of my muddy feet after walking to the bus stop in the dark.. great way to start the day!  
The lovely Paraguay busses. This picture does NO justice but I needed you to have an idea of what they look like!  
Touring around the Downtown Center of the  City 

Me being a tourist with the Rio de Paraguay in the background!  

Friday, February 22, 2013

City Life

I’m alive! I survived a day in the city! There is much to tell about my trip but I will try and focus on what I think is most important. Yesterday the trainees were paired up and given a list of places to go throughout Asuncion the capitol city. We had to use the bus, travel around, get lunch and meet at the PC office to meet our mentors. A full day! 

The bus ride into the city is about 2 hours and consist of 2 bus transfers. To make sure we had enough time for all our activities I woke up at 5am. Met my partner and made our 30 minute walk out of our community to the bus stop. I felt like I was in a scene from the movie Zero Dark Thirty. It was a pitch dark, hot, muddy and super sketchy walk. By the time we made it to the stop my feet were covered in lush red dirt and I was sweaty all over. Not the most fun way to begin the day. The bus arrives and we hop on and even get a seat! Early bird gets the worm... 

Now the buses in Paraguay could use a whole blog post, but I don’t want to scare you. The Paraguayan bus system is unlike anything I’ve ever seen or dreamed. Its pure chaos. A few things you should know about the bus system-- The bus is never full, ever. The doors never shut so you can literally hold on to the railing and hang out the door. Its almost like a roller-coaster ride just without being strapped in. I fear death multiple times while riding the bus. Like this morning when bus driver decided to take the bus off the road causing the bus to shift to the right massively. I swore we were tipping and I had a mini panic attack. Also there are no times for the bus, its whenever and you never know when it will stop or where it is you need to stop. I am happy to announce I survived the bus today. I may of had to to hop out of a moving bus onto a sidewalk, but I survived. 

The city was neat. I really love cities and exploring. It was fun to see all the different bakery’s and shops. You could buy anything you wanted as far as food wise. It was nice to know the world does still exist outside my small rural community. There were lots of street vendors with beautiful crafts and art. Lots of american clothing stores and malls. Plenty of McDonald’s, Burger Kings and TGIF’s for your standard american cuisine. I did stop at McDonald’s for a soft serve ice cream cone and it hit the spot! Much needed. The amount of ice cream i’ve been eating is a bit frightening, but its my outlet for now ! 

At the PC office we met our mentors and hung out. It was so so great to finally meet Michelle my mentor. We went to college not to far from each other and she is from Richmond. We have talked every day since I’ve arrived in PY. We chatted about everything, ate some fruit, checked out some books from the PCV library, toured the grounds and had a nice afternoon. The PC office is really nice and they offer a lot for the volunteers. It was also really cool meeting other volunteers and hearing about their stories. 

It was a long day! I am looking forward to restful weekend of washing my clothes and going to a fiesta in my community. The host families are having a party for all the trainees on Saturday night, that should be fun! On Monday we all go to volunteer sites for 4 days to see what it’s like at post. I am really looking forward to this, I have so many questions and concerns about what a life here looks like as a volunteer. I will be sure to update you! 

Hope you enjoyed this massive novel of a post! I miss all of you and still think about you everyday! Its very hot here and I’m enjoying it. I hear its just cold cold in Annapolis! Stay warm and drink some real hot coffee for me. All we have down here is fake, watery no good coffee! 

Fun Fact- Paraguayans love american music, specifically Call Me Maybe, Titanium and Guns and Roses. I don’t understand it but I hear those songs daily. Also they love coke and sprite and lots of it!

Friday, February 15, 2013

On Week in Paraguay

Hello everyone,hope you enjoyed your chocolate holiday! I have officially been in Paraguay for a week. Lots of adjustments and such. I will blog more later but wanted to give you a little update. 

Training is going well, lots a class and lots of information. I am learning so much about the culture, Peace Corps and the languages. We have class 8-5 every day and 8-11 on Saturdays. I am so tired by the night. But I some how find time to do things in the evening. We don’t eat dinner till 8:30 so there is lots of room for activities. 

I’ve been getting along with my family really well. I think they have adopted me as a family member. I am now able to communicate better and make jokes. There are not so many awkward silences. My sisters and I are really becoming friends and I like spending time with them. Also my host mom makes me pop corn every day! Its a dream, like how is it possible that I get to eat my favorite american snack every day. I love that part of the day. Today I even had to twice. And its healthier no loads of butter and some how I like it more, just plain popped corn and some oil... yummy! 

Also today I did my first load of hand washed laundry.. and my oh my was it a process! I was so humbled. I wear to many clothes and will be limiting the amount I change clothes. Also there is no way I can let the dirty clothes sit. I would literally be doing laundry for 10 hours. So a little every 3 days will keep me on track. My arms got such a work out washing those clothes! 

All is well, the sky is beautiful and its been raining so its cooler. I am learning a lot and finding small joys. My host mom is cooking with the old bay I gave her so we are enjoying a taste of home at dinner! I have never eaten more carbs and meat and carbs and meat in my life.. oh and sugar lots of sugar ! No such thing as a “low card diet” or let alone a healthy one... I am the strange one who just keeps asking for water. I was sick earlier this week and being dehydrated is the last thing I want! 

Enjoy your weekend and GO NAVY BEAT ARMY! 

Monday, February 11, 2013


Fun Facts about Paraguay and things I want to Remember- 

There are many things that are specific to the Paraguayan culture that no one would understand unless you were living here. But I am living here and don’t completely understand the culture but its only been 3 days.. Either way there are a few things that stick out that I want to remember, find interesting and think you would enjoy knowing. A lot has happened since I’ve arrived here and I want to try and remember all that I can and share with you. Enjoy! 

  1. Paraguayans eat every meal together, at the table sitting down and they don’t drink anything until they finish their meal. Except I always have my water in hand! 
  2. Drinks... lots of soda and sugar filled drinks. For all ages, nothing makes me more sad then seeing a mother put soda in the bottle for her one year old. No bueno. They have coke at least 4 times a day and think I’m weird when I ask for more water. 
  3. Beer, lots of beer, gross beer, worse then natty light. And wine, cold red wine mixed with a coke. It is actually really good, had my first glass with my host sister Sandra, she is 25 and is a nurse.  
  4. Family, my host mom, Maria Analya is a dress maker and is nice. My host dad, Aldofo works for a concrete company and is really funny. My other sister, Karen is 15 and I spend the most time with her. She also has a twitter, which I find strange. 
  5. More family, everywhere. Maria’s mom lives next door along with their aunt and uncle and kids. Paraguayans don’t leave home, ever. Unless you are going to work or church. 
  6. Tranquillo, as they call it is their lifestyle. Which translates to relaxing. Everything is relaxing and outdoors. You can find everyone outside at all hours of the day sitting drinking their special tea or in their hammock or sleeping. Its been a nice break from America. There is absolutely no hustle and no bustle in Paraguay. And there is a mandatory nap hour after lunch called siesta!
  7. All the homes sell stuff from their home, yes thats right you can buy clothes, beer and earrings out of your neighbors family room. 
  8. Tea..called terre. Its so good and its everywhere. Each person brings it with them everywhere. Basically its a bunch of herbs, plants and spices crushed up into a cup. You put a straw in the cup and add cold water and sip and pass. Everyone drinks from the same straw, you share it all. Terre is sipped on all day, everyday. You can walk up to any Paraguayan and ask for a sip of their Terre. They will say yes and invite you to relax and enjoy the day. 
  9. Sharing, they share everything. Everyone drinks from the same cup, same straw same bottle, same can. At first its weird and then  you just get used to it and pass everything around. We are one, right?
  10. Fiestas.. Paraguayans know how to party! Today I went to my first fiesta and danced for 7 hours, thats a lot of dancing and it rained. So I got to dance in the rain barefoot to live Paraguayan music, it was a dream and made for a good Sunday! When you have 300 people from the community gather to drink, eat and dance you are sure to have a good time! Expect when drunk Paraguayan chicos ( men)  ask for your number and for you to kiss them.. then things get a little awkward and I walk away.. Adios! 
  11. Paraguayans love long hair, who would have known, I’m safe! 
  12. I have a wonderful lime tree in my back yard, limes whenever! Lauren you would be in heaven! 
  13. My room is teal and it is pouring rain right now and I am finding a calming peace about being here. 
  14. Breakfast consists of a hard roll with cameral sauce called Dulce de leche, fake instant coffee with milk and a banana. I am hungry an hour later.  
  15. My family has a little fluff ball dog named Camilla and I love her! 
  16. The dirt here is red and it has already dyed all of my belongings. 
  17. The toilet paper goes in the trash always. But I never remember so I hope the toilet doesn’t clog each time I flush... oops
  18. They do have hot showers you just risk getting electric shock when using the heater, its thrilling
  19. All in all it is an adjustment. I am the quiet Americana that uses poor spanish grammar and doesn’t say much. Who would have thought me quiet? Not in this blog! 
  20. I’m learning and taking each day at a time. 

Things I am craving- 
  1. Real coffee, City Dock or DD would be wonderful 
  2. Salty Potato Chips, the kind Scott likes that are really bad for you but SOOO good. I think its because I had so many for the Super bowl. I blame Rachel for buying them. 
  3. To hug my mom! 
  4. Selfishly to instragram all the cool pictures here, yes that is lame but its the truth. Yall would love it! 

Pictures to come soon! 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I have Arrived!

Hello From Paraguay! What a long flight, but I made it and so did all my luggage!

Its so different here, lots of adjustments, LOTS! My family does not speak any english, so I am learning quickly and it is funny at times trying to communicate. My family is nice and they have been very welcoming. They have a big house with an indoor bathoom and kitchen and a car. They also have internet! I found them facebook stalking me, haha! I have my own room with a big fan and window. They have a beautiful yard and we spend a lot of time outside, more on that later.

I walk a lot each day, everyone walks. But I have 10 other PCV in my community so we do things together. We have training 7 days a week starting Monday. The PC office is very nice and the people are nice too.

We eat dinner very late here. My host mom made me pizza last night with salsa and corn and eggs...haha it wa good. And tonight she is making chicken with the old bay I gave her. I will let you know if they like it. They keep asking for pictures of my house, its funny. Oh and I showed them pictures of all my family and friends and they LOVED YOU. muy lindo!! ( very cute) Also they have a dog like Summer, her name is Camilla and we play a lot.

Thinking of you all the time! I will post pictures when I can! Love you all!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Welcome to Miami...

A quick update from Miami, its hot and part of me already feels like I am in South America. My bags and I made it through the air port, slowly. It was not fun carrying 100 lbs of my belongings around. I probably should have packed lighter, way lighter. But oh well!

I met the other volunteers tonight and we went out to dinner. It was a cool crowd. We are all in the same situation and all about the same age. It will be fun getting to know them over the next few months. Tomorrow is a full day of ice breakers and get to know you kind of stuff! I will be flying out of the country tomorrow! I am still kinda sad and missing everyone from home but already having such a great experience. I will share one cool story-

I was on the hotel shuttle and a large travelers tour group got on. One of the girls looked like a PCV (peace corps volunteer) turns out she wasn't just traveling with her mom. We got to talking briefly and arrived at the hotel and wished each other the best and went on with our way. Then I went to the hotel restaurant to grab some dinner and she was there with her mom and they invited me to eat with them. We chatted about our travels, shared stories and laughed. They are from Bethesda, Maryland! Anyways  she was such a kind person and I was so thankful to share a meal with her and her mom. Then tonight I ran into her and some other travelers again. We chatted and shared more stories! Life is so exciting and unexpected and there really are some really cool people in the world! Great meeting you Brenna and company! I hope you come to Paraguay! Wishing you the Best!

Its fun making connections and meeting like minded people! Its wild the blessing a stranger can have on your life, thanks for all the love! I will talk to you all soon!

Bon Voyage! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bags are Packed...

My bags are packed. Two checked bags both weighing in at 52 lbs each. Please say a prayer that I can sweet talk the airlines into letting those 4 extra pounds slide! It took some time but it all fit, well most all. I had to leave behind a lot. I feel so stripped of my comforts. But then I feel so humbled so I know there will be a greater outcome. Feel free to send me some winter clothing around the month of May because I have a feeling I packed more summer clothing then winter. oops! Whats going to be funny is carrying on my "carry on" because its more of a massive backpack that should probably be checked. Say another prayer! Packing is funny and then its annoying and then it is over and what your forgot you just live with out. I won't give you a list of what I packed just know it was a lot. I will post pictures below. Future Peace Corps Volunteers, good luck to you!

So I fly to Miami tomorrow to meet 40 new friends! We register at the hotel around 6pm and then have orientation all day on Thursday. I officially leave the country Thursday night. A red eye to Paraguay! I will keep you all updated as best I can. Speaking of you all, as in my readers.. thank you!

Thank you for all your encouraging text, emails,cards, calls, facebook post and comments. I have not missed a single one. Thank you for sharing your love and your thoughts. They have comforted me as I have had to say a lot of good byes these last few days. Thank you for believing in me and being so proud. I know I am being supported so well and it means so much. Muchas gracias! My dear family- you have been the best, you have blown me away with your love and support. I will miss you terrible but will see you at the chapel! Friends you rock! I can't wait to share this adventure with you and please come vist! You have a place to stay, just bring your own pillow because I had to leave mine behind.

I know you are all dying to know what one does on their last night at home? Well let me tell you, it's pretty exciting. I am currently wearing my favorite big T-shirt that I couldn't fit in my bags, laying in bed with my mom and blogging over a bowl of popcorn. And I could not be more pleased. I'm Resting tonight and enjoying my comfort zone because tomorrow my adventure begins and my comfort zone will be shattered. Hello World!

A friend gave me a quote today I want to share with you. Its cheesy but you all know I have a cheesy side-
"Don't count the days, make the days count"

                                          Packing away my life, I look happy but it was stressful!
                          Bags are packed! Notice the giant tub coming out my pack, just my giant map!

I will try and blog tomorrow or Thursday before I leave the United States! Love you all and thank you for reading and following me! The best is yet to come!