Sunday, April 27, 2014

My new friend Julio

I remember my first couple months in site and in my house. I was really good at small talking with my neighbors and other paraguayans... as my spanish was limited and I honestly had zero clue what was going on ( a little shot out to G44 you got thiss! ) But I do remember a question that I continually kept asking... monkey's? Does anyone have a monkey? I want a monkey, how can I get a pet monkey?

Well they all assumed I was just crazy and said no no no. I thought for sure in South America there had to be monkeys. If you have known me for any period of time or even when I was a child you know I love monkeys and that it is a dream of mine to have one some day. When I was younger my family had one named Albert and he was such a friend to me. When he died I developed this dream to one day have one.

So fast forward to yesterday. I went to visit a neighbor that lives two houses up from mine for the first time. It sounds crazy but in Paraguay you can meet someone but to visit their house takes some time. Anyways I was about to leave and head home and I heard all the little kids yelling " monito monito " which means "monkey, monkey!" My eyes got big and I got this big grin on my face and sure enough she has a monkey... and he lives in a tree outside her house and his name in Julio and I could watch him for hours. I fed him bananas and oranges and he knew how to peal them correctly. He also held my hand and when I tried to leave he cried... I was in love!

Don't worry I will not get too attached as I know they can be dangerous and can bite and get mean in an instant but for now I will stand back and watch... because he literally makes me feel like I am 7 years old again eating popsicles with Albert.... back when life couldn't get any better! Enjoy some images I got of him and the photo of my brother and sister and I with Albert way back when!

Julio enjoying his afternoon snack! 

Establishing our friendship  
Can you find Albert? or are you too focused on Michaels bowl cut?

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