Saturday, April 5, 2014

Giving thanks..

I realized it had been awhile since I posted a little list of things I'm thankful for. I know that a few of my last blogs have been a bit heavy and my mood has been a bit funky but I am still very thankful for some things and find that the little joys keep my wings high! So to highlight a few and give you a look into what makes me smile recently ( in no order at all ).

- Continually meeting new, cool and really interesting people including other PC volunteers, paraguayans and any other human being for that matter. I crave new relationships and love getting to know other people. There is something so fun and entertaining about hearing of someone else's passions, seeing what they value in life and being reminded of how unique life can be.

- picking fresh fruit from trees in my yard and making really delicious juices! I try and keep them all natural and you know "sugar free" but whats wrong with a little sweetness ?

- Spending time with PC volunteers and laughing, crying and just being there for people. With the recent passing of a fellow volunteer it has lead me to really notice the relationships I have with my peace corps friends and I've realized that they are freaking wonderful and I love love these people like I grew up with them and they love me and together we are family.

- The occasional gilmore girl marathon, after long days I need to veggg, how doesn't?

- The truth that I will always being exploring, growing and imagining and that this "adventure" were on will always continue if we allow it..

- The late afternoons when the sun is setting and everything is golden

- My girls here that treat me like a princess and beg to hang out with me more and more. Paraguayan kids can really make you feel like a million bucks.

- Having really meaningful, heart felt conversations in spanish, its such a beautiful thing

- Cleaning, its weird but a clean home gives me so much joy and clean dishes.. be still my heart!

Just a few, but its these little things that make the big things happen. Keep loving and looking for your joys and know I will be doing the same with some fresh squeezed juice in hand!

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