Sunday, July 28, 2013

The temperatures of Paraguay

Last week was one of the coldest weeks Paraguay has ever seen. For 2 nights it got below freezing and there was frost. For all you North American’s this is nothing but this almost never ever happens here and it was cold. Normally I wouldn’t do much when its cold, stay bundled in my bed and drink hot tea but last week was my friend Alex’s birthday and I traveled to her site to celebrate. We had a great time, a cold time but a great time. She just moved into her house and it was nice to see where she will be living for 2 years and how beautiful her site it, I fell in love! She lives in the Paraguayi department of Paraguay and it is filled with mountains and rolling hills. We had fun exploring. Here are a few pictures from the trip. Notice how bundled we are, and I promise you I was still shaking a little from the chill. But no matter the temperature we had a good time celebrating and eating a homemade chocolate peanut-butter cake! It amazing me how out of my element I find myself here somedays and then to be more amazed at how adaptable I can be. Because I promise you in america I would have been crying! 

After visiting her site I spent some time in my house then left again for my groups 3 month re-connect training. Before going into training we all met up in Asuncion for a night and hung out. I had to share this because to explain to you the climate in Paraguay you need to see this picture. From the same week I was bundled in 5 layers last night in Asuncion I was sweating in my skirt, sandals and tank-top.... its just shocking. It reminds me when I was in college and we had a snow storm over spring break! 

Now I am at my first host families house in the first place I lived at when I came to Paraguay and I could not be more happy. This family is truly amazing and I love them and my heart is so full when I am here. I will be here for the next week have more language class and technical training and then traveling back..but not before celebrating friendship day with a cookout and then my host mothers 50th birthday....paraguayan style! I can’t wait! Also I might even come out of this week with a precious little puppy, Vamos a ver ( we will see) 

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