Friday, July 12, 2013

Here's to America!

I love pictures, did you know that? This past weekend was a long one, but it was so fun! I celebrated the Land of the Free better known as 4th of July with lots of volunteers. The weekend started on Wednesday when I had a bunch of my friends over to my house to begin the festivities  I figured since I love pictures so much and who doesn't enjoy passing the time looking a photos I would do a photo post... so here is a little photo outline of my weekend. Enjoy!

For dinner Wednesday we tried to get as american as we could, blackbean burgers, sweet potato fries and all the best helpings! I also got fancy and made homemade honey mustard, probably the easiest condiment to make.. just mix honey and mustard! 
All the ladies in front of my house Thursday morning. It was so nice having them over, we all agreed we felt the most normal we have in paraguay or at like most like americans doing american things... it was like college waking up in  your apartment with all you girlfriends! I hope we can do this again! There is just something about sharing a cup of coffee friends that I will always enjoy! 
Carlo, Andrea, Alex and Alba enjoying the delicious food! Its a very unique site when you get volunteers  together for a good meal, its like we've been starving for months and have eaten nothing but bread and mandoica. Its a special occasion! 
Then I made these beautiful and delicious cinnamon buns for 4th of July, completely from scratch complete with cream cheese frosting.... my life is forever changed!  
This is the U.S Embassy and it is beautiful! The ambassador hosting a 4th of July party complete with hamburgers, hotdogs, tug a war contest, egg toss, homemade deserts and that great American Pride! A lot of volunteers went and we all had a great time... it wasn't America but it sure was close! 
Megan, Alex and myself with the lovely free leis we were given at the party! 

A bunch of the other volunteers from the other Health sector  ( my sister group) at one of the bars downtown. Every 3 months Peace Corps puts on a concert called Ahendu (which means I hear in Guarani) this was a photo taken at Ahendu this past weekend! 
My whole group! This was the first time since training we are all together again, and we had a great time! I really do love all my new friends! 

Over all it was an awesome week/ mini vacation! Now I am back in site meeting families, working on my garden, perfecting my bread recipe, studying spanish and guarani and enjoying my 5th month in Paraguay! 

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