Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sexual Health Workshop and Donations!

I have become good friends with another health volunteer here in Paraguay and her name is Spencer. During training I spent a week at here site and since swearing in as a volunteer I talk to her often and hang out when we get a chance. She is working on a project proposal that I would like to share with my readers! 

Spencer has recently designed a proposal for a sexual health workshop for the youth of paraguay. She is trying to raise funds for a 3 day, 2 night workshop where youth can come and learn about sexual education and receive training to be future leaders. There is little to no sex education for the youth here and we see many problems as a result. If you are interested in reading more about this workshop and would like to donate please click here. There are many projects going on with the volunteers here in Paraguay and it is a neat opportunity to be able to partner with people from back a home while doing so. 

These workshops are happening all around and it is possible that one day I might be doing one in my community to which- I will use Spencer’s as a resource. It would be really awesome to see this happen for Spencer and her youth, I hope you will consider donating! She has already raised half of her funds but still has more to go. With your help I know we can get her to her goal. 

Spencer also has a blog that I followed before coming to Paraguay and still follow now called Peace.Paz.Paix. Feel free to check that out as well! Happy Donating!  

This was a picture taken when I went and visited Spencer at her site for a week, she is in the middle with the black skirt. 

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