Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Hola!!! It has been awhile, this post will probably be very random! I’ve been living and learning down here! All is well and going really well. Its been a little cooler here and I have started drinking this hot tea the Paraguayans call Mate, it is perfect for the cold nights! As I’ve settled into my house more I have also found myself missing home more, like the little things- carpet, heat, my family and my t-shirt quilt! But it is healthy and challenging me to focus on being here in Paraguay more. I miss home and all you great people, but I know that this is where I am supposed to be and I am doing what I was made to do...time to start really livin’ here in a present!!!  

So this past week I went to the school a bunch and observed the classes I hope to one day work with. The kids are so sweet and get so excited when I go to their class. As boring as it can be to sit in on a Paraguayan class I know it is what I have to do.(I will save that explanation for another blog, Paraguayan class is very different!) After class all the kids want to take me home with them to meet their parents. It is really sweet. I was able to walk around with the nurses from the health post to give some vaccines as well. What an experience! It was so much different then I thought it would be. We were giving vaccines to little baby’s and they did not like it!!! I did not actually give the vaccines but I did witness the pain of those little baby’s! This was a good way to get to know the community some more. I feel like I am really starting to get to know the families and the way things work around here. It is a good full feeling!   

I got to go into the city over the weekend and hang out with some other volunteers and that was really fun. We got to eat some good food, relaxed and danced a little. One thing that is very different here, well different for me at least is the clubs don’t really open till 1am and then stay open till 6am... needless to say I am still tried from the weekend! I am thankful that I live so close to the city and can see my friends frequently. Also over the weekend I went to the Paraguayan version of a NASCAR race and it was pretty awesome! I felt like I stepped into the Richmond Race Way! The track was mud and cars were sliding everywhere. We had a cook-out and it was a good time! It happens every Sunday and I think I will be going back. I made some cool Paraguayan friends that speak english and we’ve been hanging out. 

This week in Paraguay there are 2 holidays, their independence day and their Mothers day. So naturally there is no school this week for celebrations! I will be spending time with the Paraguayans eating lots of traditional food...including CHIPA!  I am very excited about it. I am starting to crave Paraguayan food more, it is a strange feeling... I have been cooking for myself every night and I have become quiet the chef. Cooking is a good way to pass the time in the evenings and I am joying it! I have also been baking, this usually consist of me craving a certain sweet at night so I cook it and eat it for breakfast then give it to my paraguayan friends to keep me from eating it! It works really well. 

Some of the kids in my community that I get to hang out with!!! 

I would like to Congratulate all my graduated friends and those who are graduating this weekend!! I am so happy for you and this time of your life... You are all rock stars and will do great things! Welcome to the world! I promise you life is still exciting after college! I wish I could see you all walk across that stage but you will just have to take some photos! I am proud of you all!! Also Happy Mothers day to my dear mother!!! I love you so much and thought about you all day on Sunday! I am so thankful for you, thanks for always cheering for me and loving me !!!!  

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