Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Exciting Times!

First I will start with my big, exciting news... I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS! Yes, I will say it again because it is so so so exciting!!!!! I will be home for Christmas and New Years and a very important bridal shower and my sisters birthday and home home home!!! I cannot wait, my sister has already started a countdown! It is fun to think about all the fun American things I will get to do over 15 days but really I just want to hang out with my family!!! And yes I will be home for 15 days! Did I say i’m excited???

Everything else is still very exciting on the home front down here... It’s been raining a lot and I haven’t been able to do all the work I’d like to do but everything always still works out! Last week I had a fellow volunteer visit my site and we had a great time. It was nice to just relax and talk to someone in English for an extended period of time. We also went on a horse cart ride, I didn’t say carriage because it was no carriage just a cart. It was so peaceful, very slow but very peaceful! We went to the next town over to pick up cake and icing scraps to feed their pigs. I kid you not we picked up 50lbs of cake, and yes I sat there and ate that cake like a little piggie! It was delicious! The senor that took us goes every Saturday and has invited me to go with him whenever... I will have to stop eating the cake if I continue going... 

Two nights ago I was on a walk with my contact, Diosnico and his family. It was a chilly evening and we were all bundled up. My contact has 2 little girls Faviola and Rocio( whom I spend most of my time with) and a son, Walter and a wife, Marie. They have opened up their hearts and home to me and last night showed me just how much they love me and consider me a part of their family... On our walk while drinking delicious hot tea ( from a metal straw) we met some of their friends. When my contact introduced me he said “ This is my daughter Roniann.” My heart stopped a little, and I got that really warm feeling when you know things are right how they are supposed to be! This family is awesome, I go over to their home almost everyday and their daughters and I are very close, they are all very special to me. It is so comforting and assuring to know there is a family here that you can call your own when mine is so far away. 

Last night I had my Paraguayan friend over for an “american dinner.” She has been asking me to cook for her so she can try our type of food! It actually turned out to be a delicious dinner and she ate it and LOVED it! I made rosemary roasted chicken with roasted potatoes and carrots and we had a salad and cheesy rice with it! It was so nice having someone over for dinner and sharing a healthy meal with a Paraguayan.. nothing was fried, that is a huge step! We plan on cooking together once a week! 

Lots of other little things going on, I played some street soccer with some kids yesterday. I got my hair braided like a paraguayan princess and loved it! The cats and I are starting to get along better, they know their boundaries now. I’m getting really great at using the busses here and not getting lost or left behind ( A very big accomplishment for PCV’s). I bought my first piece of furniture for the house.... a dresser! It is beautiful and it was a bargain, I got lucky!! I am cooking a lot and enjoying all the new recipes I’m trying.. never thought I would enjoy a carrot cake so much and peanut butter french toast! I got my first tomato from my garden and it is beautiful! Its fall here now so I have been drinking lots of hot tea and trying to remember all my favorite fall things.. My spanish is getting a lot better and I am enjoying talking and spending my time talking with the Paraguayans! Makes for a good time down here, a simple time and that is just want I wanted something simple. I have a thankful heart!  

My girl Rocio! 

The smartest 4th grader I know, Faviola!

How sweet are these sisters?

The horse cart that I rode on! 

My friend Romy with the dinner I cooked last night! 

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