Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Girls Leading Our World ( Camp GLOW)

When I got back to Paraguay a few weeks back I had just enough time to rest un pack, clean up my house a little and re pack again for winter camp. This particular winter camp was an all girls camp called GLOW. Which means Girls Leading Our World. This is an internationally known camp run by Peace Corps Volunteers around the globe. Camp GLOW encourages self confidence and challenges campers to think beyond traditional gender roles. Young women are empowered at these camps, creating a safe and supportive environment for cultural exchange, leadership, development and fun!

A little history behind the camp- The first such camp was established by Peace Corps Volunteers in Romania 15 years ago. Since 1995, Volunteers in 60 countries have established similar programs to promote the empowerment of women.  The concept has been adapted and developed since originally conceived, with one group of Volunteers passing along the lessons learned to the next group of Volunteers who serve as counselors and mentors.

This was my first time attending camp and it was beyond my expectations amazing. I was able to take one Paraguayan girl from my community and hope to take more in the future. The girl I took was 14 and had never been to any type of camp before in her life. She had never traveled without her mom and definitely had never been in one room surrounded by 40 + girls her age hearing about female empowerment, health, self respect and leadership. I watched each one of those girls engage in the topics discussed, make connections and share their thoughts, feelings and concerns. 

There were speakers each day, art and fitness activities, sports and group time. Those girls all came as strangers and left like sisters and what a beautiful thing that was to watch. In Paraguay young girls especially, do not get the opportunity to hear about gender roles and lead an open discussion or have sleep overs and dance parties. The female youth of Paraguay spend most of their time in the home doing house chores. If they are allowed to go to school they go and come right home, if they don't have to clean the house or do another chore. In some households they are not permitted to ever leave the house. It is hard to explain in this blog the huge culture difference in gender roles here in this country and on a bigger scale around the world, I will save that for another post or 5. 

In conclusion camp was perfect. Youth were given an opportunity to go to a camp that they might never have again. That in its self was enough for me. I remember thinking that if all my projects fail going to camp would have been enough and I stand to that. The youth of this country will soon be the next generation of leaders and I see no better cause to spend my time, energy and funds on their education and development as leaders. 

Displaying their leadership qualities through art 

All the youth after a leadership project 

My girls group! 

The girl that I took to camp! 

All the girls on their last day at camp! 

The group of Peace Corps Volunteers that took girls to camp.

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