Friday, July 25, 2014

Vacation and a Wedding

Thirteen wonderful days of vacation were recently spent the U.S.A. I wouldn't say they were the most relaxing do nothing kind of days you think of when you think of a vacation but they were so much more then that!! I went home to first celebrate my sisters bachelorette party then to do some last minute prep for her wedding and then finally the wedding! After the wedding I had a few days to see some friends, stop by some of my favorite restaurants pack up and head pack to Paraguay.

It was a crazy last few weeks. I don't know if I remember the last time I blogged, I apologize especially to my sweet grandmother. Nanny, I know you enjoy these post and to all my other readers. Before I went home I was just passing time till I went home and didn't feel like blogging and then once I got back to Paraguay I was busy right away from winter camp and catching up with where I left off. What I can report is that I am back and somewhat ready for the last 9ish months of my Peace Corps service. I will blog more about that later but for now a little more about my time at home-

It was bliss. I was busy and jumped right back into all that the first world has to offer- washing machines, happy hours, highways, sidewalks, friends, family and unlimited activities. My first weekend back my sister, her 11 closest friends and I went to Ocean City, Maryland for a girls weekend and some Bachelorette fun. We spent some time at the beach. Which was interesting because after living in a country for a year and a half where we hide from the sun because it is so powerful it was hard for me to entertain the idea of laying on a beach towel half naked for an extended period of time to "tan." I felt a little crazy and then a little sun burned. But I was in america and it was the american thing thing to do! from the beach we spent some time at a few bars and went out on the town. Rachel had a blast and so did I. I was so thankful for everyone that helped make that weekend so fun!

The week leading up to the wedding was spent running around Baltimore and Annapolis with my mom and sister getting all the last minute details ready for the big day. I was up early everyday doing all I could to help. A lot was saved for me to do that week and as busy as I was I enjoyed it. I wasn't home for most of the planning and prepping so I was thankful for anything I was able to do. I made signs, painted, stuffed bags, made seat placements and much more.

Once the rehearsal dinner arrived everything went by so fast. We had some nasty weather the night before the wedding and were a little nervous but it all passed. We rehearsed in the rain a bit, had a lovely dinner and tried to get a good nights rest. We woke up the day of the wedding with coffee and muffins in bed and then had a nice breakfast and started to get ready. This is when the day really started to fly by. Once Rachel put her dress on it all begin to feel so real. I helped her walk around for her portraits, held her bouquet and watched the beauty unfold.

There are so words to describe the feelings I felt watching Rachel walk down the isle with my mom and dad. I tried to take it all in and watch everything I could. I remember hearing the birds singing while my uncle welcomed everyone and thinking how perfect of a day this is. Then when Scott begin to say his vowels I was overwhelmed. I began to weep. It was simply beautiful and special and I will remember that moment forever. I watched how everyone was gathered together for the two of them. I voweled together with everyone to support and love this couple in the years to follow and it was truly a cause to celebrate. I don't think it was 5 minutes after the ceremony and the champagne was poured and the rest is history. We toasted, ate, danced and celebrated harder then I have in while.

Every part of the wedding was special and I am so happy that I was able to fly home and be apart of it. That was a night that I will surely cherish the rest of my life. I will share a few pictures that I have. We are still waiting on the images from the lovely photographer.


Meanwhile back in the guay. My arrival into country was bittersweet. I wanted so badly to be back at home celebrating with my family, hanging out with my brother(s) and sister but... I have a commitment to Paraguay for another 9 months. It took some time to adjust and get "back with it" and I am happy to report all is well. We are currently in the winter months and it is a little chilly and slow but things are moving. I know that the time will come quickly where I will have to end my time in Paraguay so I am trying to be as mindful as I can with the time I have left and not to wish it away too soon. I have various projects going on right now that I will be blogging about soon. Until then, sending all my love!

Current Countdown 
Months in Paraguay- 18 
Months left in Paraguay- 9

At Seacrets the weekend of Rachel's Bachelorette 

At the wedding rehearsal 

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