Monday, June 16, 2014

Guarambaré 41

Or better known as G41. Whenever a new group of volunteers arrive in Paraguay they are giving a group name. And since our training center where we spend our first 3 months of training is located in a town called Guarambaré we get the name G and what ever number group you are. I arrived in the G41 group. Your  "g" as you refer to any of your group members quickly becomes your family, support system and your best friends. This whole peace corps experience is kind of like high school or college and your g is like your "graduating class". We go through 2 years of service, get really close, have the best of times and the worst of times and end service or "graduate" together. We arrive in county as strangers and quickly realize that you are closer to these people then some of your closest  friends you left behind in the states. Usually, I'm not speaking for everyone but for most of the g's in Paraguay I can say this to be true.

My g started with 23 and now we are 19. We are from all over. Some of us are mexican american, some of us are tall, younger and older. We all have different stories, different experiences and come from different places. We represent all different things and respect each other equally while doing it. Some of us have traveled the world and have been to the farthest corners of places I cannot even find on a map. We speak different languages but all vowed to learn a new one before coming here. We have been challenged, worn out, robbed, loved, hurt, broken and cried. But we have also always been there, always looked out and listened, talked and cared. This g is special for so many more reasons then just the ones listed here.

As our 1 year in service came and went I have found myself reflecting on this group of people called G41.  At first I wasn't really sure of them. I mean its a group of 22 strangers that I am supposed to call family and love and spend 2 years with. I was sure I came to Paraguay with the intentions of hanging out with Paraguayans and getting to know them. I was unaware that a group of 22 strangers could become so important to me. These strangers are all very different. So different that if we were to meet in the states we would most likely not have been friends. Not because of any specific reason other then we are different and for a while I lacked diversity in my social circles, and we are a diverse group of people down here. Now I could not imagine not being friends with them, in fact if I wasn't friends with them I know this Peace Corps experience would be significantly different and not as rich.

How is it possible to be close friends with people that you might only see once or twice every  couple month, live at least a 3 hour bus ride away from ? Well when they are the only americans you have the ability to see that 3 hour bus ride isn't so bad. And those 2 or 3 times you get to see them that month make the rest of the time easier and lighter. Also peace corps makes it easier because we can talk on the phone for free well the first 10 minutes at least. We are really good at having conversations in 10 minutes increments.

We have all learned that these circumstances would normally be limiting for friendships to form in the states. That those friendships we have that live farther away are hard to sustain and can ware us out. It is easier to hang out and invest in people that live in your town or that you work with daily. Here in Paraguay is it so different as most things are. We invest in each others lives equally. We talk daily and know whats going on with each other. It is not a hassle to call or a hassle to come visit it is a joy and you do it willingly or forcefully depending on your situation. ( sometimes sanity can be found in speaking english face to face with a fellow g mate. so simple. but so so true).

To sum it all up. This service can be so hard in so many different strange annoying ways. But I am sharing it with a group of people that care and love me so well. We are all in this together and are looking out for each other as our own brother or sister. I have seen this bond form with the other G's in Paraguay and now see it with mine. Its a special thing. I wouldn't want to share this experience with none other then the lovely g41er's! Ya'll rock!

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