Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Summer Highlights

Summer came and went just as fast as expected. Paraguay is said to have 2 seasons...9 months of pleasant weather and 3 months of hell...and that has been confirmed. Although those 3 months were summer and I love summer... it was still insanely hot! School started last week and by wednesday I was wearing pants and feeling a chill in the evening. Not to say the heat won't return, because it will but at least January and February are behind us!

A lot happened over the summer that I didn't get to blog about- their were lots of parties, graduations, cook outs, camps, trips, weddings and just the daily hanging out. It wasn't the best season for work so I enjoyed the time spent with Paraguayans and volunteers and the great outdoors! Instead of blogging about each event I thought I would do some photo blogging! So I hope you enjoy my highlights as it was a great first summer in Paraguay!


All dressed up for my friend Lady's graduation party. All the girls have these really nice white dresses made and they have a huge party with all their classmates. It was really different but really special. Also fun fact my host mom made my shirt! 

Valentina and I one sunday afternoon before a game of volleyball. This past summer I spent every sunday with this family and mostly every night.. but sundays are the best! 

At a wedding reception with one of my families here. Rosa and Carol have been together for 10 years now and have 2 little girls together and this year they made it official! It was also the same day as their youngest daughters baptism.. she is looking away in this picture, but she is super cute!  

At my host cousin Jenny's graduation. Fun fact- my host mom made my shirt, Jenny's dress and my host sister Sandras dress!! She is so talented! 

 In the capitol city with some other volunteers going out for my friends Birthday! 

Remember this little guy? He's growing and is 6months old now! So precious, he smiles when ever he hears my voice! 

Cooling off with some mid morning ice cold terere 

Goofing off one evening with Valentina and Matias 

A little trip to the local Mickey D's with my Paraguayan bff- Carolina and Valentina! We stayed for a few hours because it had AC and WiFi... I mean what more can you ask for?

Before my soccer clubs anniversary party. We didn't leave the house till 12 midnight for the party and the first band didn't come on till 1am...and then we danced till about 5:30. Sounds crazy right? No completely typical and average!  

Sweating the night away with some fellow volunteers!

It gets so hot here you don't wanna turn your stove on to cook anything and you don't wanna eat anything too heavy soo you take advantage of mango season and make lots of mango salsa! 

After one of our summer camps.. in front on Meagan's house

Precious little Valentina, can you believe she is only 3?

At my towns patron saint party. this was my first time seeing real fireworks in Paraguay and they were literally right above my head.. I mean I was nervous about catching on fire.. but it was so magical and beautiful! 

Valentina and I at the local carnival, her eyes usual don't open when there is a camera flash! 

The manually powered carousal at the carnival, none the less the children enjoyed it! 

Carolina and I at the patron saint festival awaiting the fire works! 

A family trip the local river, and by local I mean we rented a bus, filled it with 30 of our closests family and friends, bought some steaks, sausages and beer, drove 3 hours, grilled, drank and wadded in the water all day and it was GLORIOUS ! 

Paraguayans rarely wear bathing suits. I had mine on but they didn't understand my I wouldn't just get in with my clothes... another new thing I learned! 

We sat around the rock for a good 4 hours and it was some of the most fun I've had with these people! I can't wait for next year! 

One afternoon my friend Alex went to gaze in her garden and found an abundance of baby carrots.. with nothing better to do we harvested them and cleaned them.. 

After summer camp at Alex's site.. our picture together in front of her house! 

In Paraguay it is a status symbol to have more then one cake at your birthday.. look here at the 2 cakes and those candles... oh heavens! 

The new health group of trainees arrived over the summer and I got to help with one of their trainings. I went with another volunteer to train them on dental health. This is them doing a dental health rely at their training center. 

Almost my whole group of volunteers together got together at a hostel one night to send off a fellow volunteer. This was one of the first times we've been together like this, each person made some contribution to the meal and it felt such like a family! 

At my health post speaking to a future mothers club about pre natal care and the importance of staying active during their pregnancy. 

Hanging out with my 2 mentees drinking terere after killing 2 chickens! 

Out at a bar in the city with one volunteers for another birthday! 

And the little girl who continues to steal my heart, Valentina! 

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