Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wedding number 1 of 2014

In the beginning on February my host sister from my training community got married. This is a little bit crazy because my real sister will be getting married later this year and I have some good friends getting married throughout the year as well... so 2014 has been labeled the year of the wedding!

I had been to a Paraguayan wedding before, but you would have thought you were in america with my host sisters wedding. It was beautiful and was so well put together. I was so impressed and taken back with how much time, money and planning was put into it. It was really so perfect for her and just proved even more that Paraguayans know how to party!

There are lots of traditions that happen at a Paraguayan wedding. Some similar to ours in america but some different.. some were not traditions but a different way of doing things. I had such an amazing time and really felt like a sister to the bride, I can only imagine how I will feel once my real sister gets married in a few shorts months!!! So to begin the breakdown of the weekend-

I arrived friday and we started making the cakes. My host mom baked and decorated the cakes. We finished making the props for the dancing part of the party.. basically everything you would find in a photo booth but we just used to dance and take our own pictures, complete with giant bow ties, real ties flower head bands, hots, glasses and other fun things! Then friday night we went and picked up Sandra's wedding dress. This was dress number 2, hand made in 1 week. ( she didn't like the first one..haha) After we drank some celebratory beers and I had them practice walking down the isle since there was no rehearsal.

Saturday morning we were up by 6:30 with the house full of helpers. We peeled and cooked mandioca, potatoes..chopped carrots and cooked them, finished the cakes and made other deserts. We also made lots of pans or sopa paraguaya ( a cornbread ) All this was done over a fire and we were finished by noon. Then my younger host sister, my host mom and I went to the salon. We were there for 4 hours. We got our hair, makeup, nails and fake eyelashes done. It was so exciting and fun also very cheap only 60 mil GS which is not even $20 USD. I didn't recognize myself after it was all done. I felt like barbie... but it was so fun and I felt like I was in a movie.

Then we went home put of dresses on and headed to the church. I had my dress made by my host mom, she also made her dress and some others. I had never felt so fancy and dressed up in the past year then I did in that one night! The bride arrived to the church by herself in a car all decorated with a bow and flowers. There were very few people at the church, mainly because it started at 8:30 and that was considered early.. people showed up to the party around 10ish... totally ok and culturally accepted here ( remember that). Sandra didn't have bridesmaids but myself, her real sister and her sister-in-law all had on the same color so we called ourselves the bridesmaids. She walked in with her father, had a quick ceremony, signed some papers, said their vows and were married in the church. The vows were the same but in spanish and the priest never said you may kiss the bride... I'm not sure why, but that was different.

Then we headed to the reception. The bride and groom greeted everything that walked in and took a picture with them... this went on for 2 hours while people arrived. Then the judge came and did a civil marriage and they were married by the court. We had appetizers of sopa paraguaya and sausage served by waiters in bow ties. Drinks were served by the liter including coke a cola, fanta and Budweiser and they just kept coming. Then we were served dinner. A plate of really delicious steak, potato salad, bread and mandioca, this was served around 11pm which is actually early then I was expecting. Then they had their first dance and every couple came and joined and had their dance with the bride and groom. After that the mariache band showed up and played for a half hour. Then before the cake was cut all the single girls pick out a string in a bowl and on 3 everyone pulls it out and whoever has a string with the ring on the end is the next to get married. Then Sandra threw the bouquet and I caught it.. mainly because I was the tallest there and just put my hand up.. but now they are planning my wedding for later this year... but I promise that will never happen!

Around 12:30 the band showed up and we were dancing by 1am...which is the normal time for the dancing to begin. This is a Paraguayan thing that I still do not understand a year in... and so we danced 1am - 5am. Yes I was tired and so so hot but it was so much fun. We had silly string, hats and glow sticks! We danced, drank and laughed and it was a blast! Oh and all the little kids, yeah they were up as well..I mean who doesn't love to dance!!!

My family and I got back to the house around 5:30, showered and went to bed till 11:30  Then went over to the newly married couples house.. ate the rest of the food, drank some more, opened all the gifts and relaxed. We were all in bed by 8pm that Sunday night... and I was still tired for the 3 days after.

It sounds like a lot and it was. It was everything I expected and even more! I will never forget that night and the craziness it for the wedding by numbers.. because they were high!


175 kilos of meat or about 15 cows 
8 cakes 
4 dozen + eggs 
10 kilos of caramel or dulce de leche for the cakes
30 kilos of madioca or 2 huge sacks 
3 trash bags filled of bread rolls
15 kilos of potatoes 
15 pans of corn bread 
XXX amount of beer I couldn't count ( cooled in a swimming pool) 
2 bands 
2 wedding dresses
415 people 

and now for some photos! 
cakes all around! 

After my barbie make over! 


Inside the reception 

pulling the strings out 

After I caught the bouquet 

The party!

The " Bridesmaids" 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, well! For me, this is the year where everybody around me is getting married. Even by the end of the year, two of my friends are getting married. I helped them pick up one of the best venues in Chicago and it seems like I am more nervous than they are.
