Friday, September 13, 2013

I never thought I would...

It seems that a lot of the time I find myself before Paraguay I never thought I would do this...insert weird peace corps habit... Well I decided these things should be written down, I imagine you will be entertained, maybe disappointed and definitely shocked. I know I was with most of these things when they first became a reality to me but like everything it seems so normal now. So before you freak out just put your self in my shoes for a hot minute and know that I am living in a complete different world then you so naturally the things I am doing down here are weird, strange and a bit questionable when compared to our western lifestyle! Enjoy! 

I never thought I would- 

eat so much meat, and love it 
crave more meat on sundays 
take 3 showers a day ( when its hot) and
3 showers a week ( when its cold) 
Master the art of cooking over a fire
become a master at waiting...for everything
Use a table cloth as a napkin ( this I am not proud of ) 
drink so much terere and buy my own thermo 
forget how to talk and write in English ( its a big struggle of mine) 
talk in so much spanish and guarani that when I try to talk in english it hurts my head ( fearful of Christmas vacation) 
make it out of training without getting back on an air plane 
become so okay with awkwardly standing in front of someones house clapping and yelling hola as if i’m just ringing the “door bell” 
live alone in a house all by my self in a foreign country ( not so foreign now) 
spend more time by myself then ever before and enjoy it, like really enjoy it 
drink after every person when offered with out any fear ( including water, wine, beer and terere
casual take walks with women while they are walking and breast about a multi- tasker 
cut my grass by hand using my machete 
drink beer by the liter and wine from a carton, always. 
hand wash everything I own 
take a bus everywhere and maneuver my way around a country 
speak a third language 
be able to joke in spanish 
not run for such a long period of time and be so content
be so happy!

There are many more... but these are just a few reflections right now! Have a great weekend everyone! And a big happy birthday to Miss Lauren Hammond! 

Now a few photos from the week! 
My friend Carol and Valentina and I at a confirmation last Sunday 

Me drinking my terere like a boss under the mango tree 

Feeding the little baby!

This little girl Sarah spent every morning with me this week and we colored a lot! 

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