Friday, September 6, 2013

Awkward Stories #1

This is titled #1 because changes are there will be more.... 

I should start this post by informing you that there is no word in the spanish language that translates to awkward...this is a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it is 100% accurate that when I think a situation is awkward the Paraguayans don’t. You may think this isn’t possible but really it is...they never feel awkward simply because awkwardness doesn’t exist to them....A curse because I feel awkward about 75% of the time and most every encounter with a Paraguayan is an awkward one and when they notice my discomfort I have no way of explaining it to them other then saying Me siento diferente o mal or I feel different or bad. So today reached a whole new level of Paraguayan awkwardness... and I had to share...keep in mind I love these people and have to daily fight for my right to be heard here and taken seriously.

This week I am starting a kids club in my community. There is very little open space in my community and I have to hold it in the yard of one of the community members, great no problem. Last week I asked this sweet family if that would be okay... they assured me no hay problema or No problem... So this week I made invitations to pass out to the community... simple stating the kids club, time, date, place and stick instructions not to bring your animals, because in Paraguay you need to be careful to leave your dogs at I was told. 

Any who, this week was the senors birthday in which who's yard we are using for the kids club. Well his family heard about this “invitation” and thought I invited the whole community to their house for a birthday party this weekend...and to leave your animals at home because they have so many... and they were mad... I mean who wouldn’t be if you thought a norte ( me) self invited her self and 50 of the community kids to there house for a “party”....ahh this could not be farther from the truth. I was mortified and the awkwardness set in. 

I then had to explain that none of that was true and show them the invitation and read it to them... then I came to the conclusion that 1. Either gossip spread like rapid fire and this kids club got completely turned around or 2. They were unable to read the invitation....I am still working on those conclusions. 

But just imagine me.... trying to beg my forgiveness to this couple who thinks I just invited the whole neighborhood to their house.. in my half spanish/ guarani language... Afterwards i felt more awkward then ever... but could never begin to explain that feeling to the Paraguayans because there is no such thing. well bam. 

Doesn’t sound like much but it was and after the whole ordeal I wanted to be in America where the awkward turtle is real and understood. So for all you awkward people out there that feel like you don’t belong...there is a home for you in Paraguay! 

Also how awkward is it that Paraguayans think Ranch dressing is spicy and won’t eat it because so....words could not describe my reaction when my neighbors “tried” by tried I mean put I microscopic dot on their finger and said no me gusta es muy picante...I don’t like it, it’s too spicy......SAY WHAT?? so more for me, and I’m running out quickly so send.more.ranch. 

But whats totally not awkward are these wildflowers that I found on my walk home today! 

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