Thursday, June 6, 2013

Site Presentation

I had my site presentation this past Tuesday, and it was awesome! My boss came out for the day and it was so nice to have her here and help with my presentation. Your site presentation is when you are presented to your community officially. It happens once you have been in your site for a little bit of time ( for me it was a month). Peace Corps explains to your community what your role and purpose is in the community for the next 2 years. Mine was at my school and lots of people came. 

Site presentations are different for everyone and I did not know just what to expect. I spent the past weekend handing out invitations to my community with some of the kids.I tried to invite everyone I have met so far plus some new people. It is a little intimidating to invite random Paraguayans to things... but thats the beauty of the process. So when tuesday came I didn’t know what to expect. Also the principle of my school was a little unsure if people would come as well. But I made banana bread and oatmeal cookies with exceptions of a least a couple people....but I was surprised! There were at least 50 people there if not more! It was again intimidating being in front of 50 paraguayans in a room together but some how I managed to introduce myself and give a little presentation of myself... and I think they actually understood me!!! 

My boss spoke a lot and I think everyone enjoyed it. I now feel so much more official and really feel like people know about me and what I am going to be doing here for the next two years, it is a great feeling but I have a lot of work to do! The principle and I have been talking about my projects and people keep asking when I am going to start my projects everyone is getting really excited to work with me... makes me excited too! 

So this week was exhausting... I spent the last weekend and Monday preparing for my presentation. Also Monday night one of the other volunteers stayed with me and I cooked a nice dinner.Then Tuesday was my presentation and that was an all day affair. Wednesday I went into the Peace Corps office to have my horse bit looked at and found out it was infected... so thats great! On new medication for that! Then last night two other volunteers stayed with me and we had a delicious lasagna and relaxed. And today, Thursday I worked in the school and helped teach the pre schoolers... they were precious! But I am exhausted and want to sleep for days! So tomorrow I am traveling back to my old community to spend the weekend with my first host family! I cannot wait to relax and get away from site for a long weekend! I hope you enjoyed the play by play of my life this past week! 

Enjoy your weekend and I will celebrating my 4 months in Paraguay this Saturday! Cheers!  

My boss and I after my presentation!

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