Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Feliz Navidad and a very Merry Christmas

Since I will not be home for the holidays...sigh... I figured I'd share some holiday cheer and wish all my readers, family and friends a BIG electronic Happy Christmas!!! I will be in Paraguay for Christmas celebrating a bit differently but I have been invited to spend it with the sweetest family and I could not be more excited! Traditions are a different here but thats ok because so is the weather. As much as I miss the christmas spirit and this season in the United States... its a bit difficult to imagine curling up next to the fire with a hot chocolate watching my favorite christmas movies.. only because it feels kind of like a fire here in Paraguay, all the time. No hot chocolate, just lots of ice water and terere. And i'd rather curl up in the air condition...

Here is a small list of a few things that I have noticed during the christmas season in Paraguay, in no particular order;

- Almost every family has a nativity seen somewhere in their yard or in their house, they decorate it with lights and tinsel and wait till the 25th to put baby Jesus in it. Also the little house that you put the nativity characters in can be bought all along the highways of Paraguay. They are made out of grasses and different natural resources found around Paraguay.

- Sweet bread is the fruit cake of Paraguay, it is filled with dry fruits and nuts and you can buy it anywhere and everywhere... And like fruit cake I don't like it...

-Instead of buying a christmas tree to put somewhere in the house, we usually just decorate one that is already in the yard. Why spend money buying a tree when you can just decorate one of the 25 you have in your yard??

- Its hottttt. There is absolutely no snow falling from the sky, but it is mango season and there are lots of mangos falling from the sky... and sometimes they have the same effect...I can get really excited for mangos!

- Christmas eve is all about family. You visit both sides of your family during the night and its a big party at midnight.. so I've heard. I will report back after with full details. That night is actually called noche buena which means good night.

- Christmas day is also spent with family, relaxing or parting, depending on the family. I will hopefully be in the swimming pool relaxing and thinking about how chilly it is in the states and how i'm in a swimming poolllll!

- There is no eggnog but there is a wine drink called Clerico, which is wine mixed with juice or coke and all the ripe fruits of the season, pineapple, grapes and mangos. Its really sweet and really delicious, best served on ice.

- FIREWORKS. For the past week and leading up to the new year.. there are constant fireworks. The big explosive kind, sparklers and the little poppers the kids love! I am getting a little sick of hearing fireworks explode all through the night.

- Presents.. You really don't buy gifts, at least I haven't noticed that happening. There are lots of Christmas baskets you can buy at the grocery store that are filled with food and drinks and those are gifted a lot to families. But presents like we do in the states so far, I have not seen.

That is all I can think about right now. So far spending Christmas is Paraguay has been good. I did have an emotional break down in the grocery store when I'll be home fore Christmas came on.. but I recovered, bought christmas decorations and decorated a tree in my front yard. I really miss my family and the spirit that Christmas is but I am enjoying the new experiences that Paraguay is giving me during this holiday season.

Wishing you all the joy and happiness this season brings where ever you are in this universe, it is the season for bliss and I hope you find that this Christmas! Happy Holidays!!

Me and my Christmas tree in my front yard. 

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