Sunday, November 2, 2014

Recently with some Olympians

There are a lot of little things that happen daily here that can tend to annoy me and put me on edge. I have been tested a lot recently it seems and I just keep reminding myself that they are LITTLE things and really don’t even matter. One little thing in particular is the internet. I have never had a problem with internet in my house but recently it just has not been working. This is ok for a week or so, I can do the whole no social media fast, read a book or two...but then when I can’t reply to work e-mails or communicate with people at home or do research on future projects I start to get annoyed. So recently  I’ve been a bit more annoyed or if you will frustrated. I know it is silly and out of my control. It is a tiny thing a small luxury that I was used to using and took for granted. I am learning to control my frustrations about the lack of internet and find some silver lining...

That is why recently I have not be blogging because it has been impossible. As I write this draft blog on word, I am not even sure when I will be able to post it but I wanted to sit down and write especially since it is raining for the third day in a row and I don’t plan on leaving my house. When the red dirt of Paraguay mixes with a flash flood all hell break loose and the road in front of my house kind of collapsed yesterday. So with the sparring battery life on my computer I’m writing. I say sparring because it is possible that my power will go out any minute. The winds are picking up! 

Now to inhale a breath of fresh air and positivity, recently I have had a lot of visitors in my house. A fellow volunteer and good friend has been working with the special olympics and 3 of her youth were recently invited to come to the capitol for 2 weeks to train for the world special olympics. The Paraguay National special olympics already took place and they did really well.. I think her regional team won a total of 11 metals. Then after a few were selected to train and essential “try out” for the National team that will be heading to L.A in July for the World special olympics. And guess what 2 of them qualified!!!! WooHoo ! If you find your self in L.A in July you better goo cheer them on! 

So since they were up near the capitol for 2 weeks and I live near the capitol they were over my house a few days. I made them lunch one day and then we went and got ice cream in town. Another night I had them over for dinner and we made pizza and taught them some yoga. I also got to tag along on some of their errands just to hang out. It was especially great because their coach who is my good friend lives far away and I normally don’t get to see her very much but these past 2 weeks we saw a lot of each other! They have lots more training left and will be coming up here once a month until July so I will get to see more of them and I am looking forward to it. 

Two of the youth are bother and sister and then one is just a friend. All three of them are deaf and I spent the 2 weeks trying to pick up as much sign language as I could. Did you know that english sign language is different then spanish sign language? No, I didn’t either. It was a bit confusing at times but they are patient and have a great sense of humor, I thoroughly enjoyed all the time spent with them. I hope they can come back to visit real soon! 

So to wrap up this post, the Peace Corps life can be proved frustrating but completely rewarding and totally worth it. My recent struggles are always outweighed or passed by with my little victories and time spent with people and investing our relationships.

Also Happy November, Happy my favorite month because my sister Rachel and friend Jessica will be arriving in Paraguay in just 20 days!!!!!!!!!!!! So So SO SO SO excited! 

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