Thursday, November 20, 2014

Canada eh?

Last week I had the pleasure of translating for a group of 18 Canadian firefighters. They were coming to Paraguay for a week on a service trip with Habitat for Humanity. Usually Habitat provides them with a translator but since the group so was big they needed a second one. I was more then happy to do it, not knowing what to expect and not knowing a single person,  seemed like the perfect adventure. I was also interested to test my translating ability because I have really only been speaking and practicing spanish for 22 months. Although 22 months seems like a very short time to be learning a language  it proved to be just enough to be a successful translator.

I waited in a grocery store parking lot monday morning for their bus to come pick me up. Up until that point I hadn't giving the week much thought.. then it  crossed my mind that "hey i'm about to meet 18 complete strangers and spend the rest of the week with them, I hope we get along." What was I thinking? I had nothing to worry about! They were wonderful, each one of them, incredible people doing an incredible thing. Before this week I had never really known any Canadian's and now I feel like I've been missing out. Hands down, nicest people I know.

The week begun and I was in my element. I was back at the worksite which took me back to TEAMeffort summers of 2010 and '11, it was home. Just the materials, language, people and tools a little different but the same idea. I loved it. I translated and worked and didn't stop smiling. It was extra special because I got to double as a translator and a Paraguayan culture specialist. I shared all I could with them. By the end of day 1 they were sipping on terere and trying chipa. By day 2 they were hooked and buying their own yebra and thermos. By the end of the week they were asking for seconds at lunch and wanted to know the recipe. Every break we took they asked me new questions about Paraguayan culture, life and customs. It gave me so much joy to share with them and see their interest and appreciation for this little country I call home.

Together with the help of some very guapo ( hardworking) masons we dug the foundation of a 3 bedroom house, laid the stone in the foundation and filled it. We laid bricks and  watched as the walls rose to about the middle of the house. We moved brick piles, sand piles and debris. They were machines and worked so hard. Even with 1 day off because of rain they completed so much. The masons informed me that what they did in 5 days would have taken them 4 weeks.

There were many moments of that week that stood out to me. I could not possible list all of them. The few that stick out are the way these people opened their hearts to me. I was just their translator but by the end of the week I felt like I was a part of their group. It was a unique and very memorable experience. This group of people paid their way to come down and serve for a week and I had the pleasure of serving a long side of them. We had a good time and they are missed very much! I am not sure if it was a canadian thing or a firefighter thing but they were a wonderful bunch of people.

Now I am left with some photos from the week a few souvenirs including a firefighter hat with their district's crest, the largest box of power bars I've every laid eyes on( my breakfast, lunch and dinner lately)  a full heart, some dirty laundry and the memory of an incredible week. I am extremely grateful for the chance to have met these new friends and share such an adventure with them.

 Life is truly so beautiful and I was reminded that as my week with them came to a close. As my months in Paraguay are numbered and my decision on the next season in my life is still undecided, I am constantly reminded of all the uncertainty life is. I am scared and worried and don't know what to do. I am indecisive and have no clue whats next.  Of all the confusion and doubt I am continually reminded of one thing I am certain about and that is- I am alive and happier then ever before. Whatever is next for me I want it only to be better and more exciting then the last thing I did. I crave more and want more from this life. I want to be living in every moment and every second. I don't want to think, I want to do. I don't want to have what if's, I want to have stories. I don't want to wish and dream, I want to act and go.

Adventure is out there we just need to seek it and when its found, celebrate the hell out of it!

Look at those new thermos.. they are all set to terere in Canada! 

With the whole group after our last day.. check out the height of those walls! 

Leveling the floors with my new friend Vicki! 

Introducing the team leader to the beauty of Paraguayan street donuts 

Moving brick piles for days

The start of the foundation coming together 

Some of the group after day 2

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