Monday, January 13, 2014

The Holidays and New Year!

Well its been about a month since my last post and I am sorry to have kept you waiting but I was just to busy living the American dream! I mean I went home for the holidays and there is no place like home for the holiday's, ate some delicious food, planned and threw a bridal shower and even played in the snow. It was a good holiday! Really it was so special. I little overwhelming at times but that was to be expected. It came and went so quickly but here is a little reflection on my time at home and how its been since I've been back in Paraguay - the land of the hottest weather ever!

The flight home was long and it didn't help that I was totally anxious. I left my house in Paraguay at 7am and arrived at my house in Maryland at about 1:30am, long day. My first meal was a quesadilla with sour cream in the airport..then I got a Starbucks chai late. I almost forgot how to order it and I was having trouble remembering to talk in english. Literally i was freaked out by all the hello's I was hearing, it had been 10 months ya'll!

I had a great Christmas with my family and felt so loved and taken care of. It was so nice to see everyone even if it was negative degrees outside at some points. I got to spend a lot of time with my sister and do some wedding things I've missed out on over the year. I was also able to help plan, throw and host a bridal shower for her. That was definitely the high light of the trip! My mom helped so much and seriously is super mom when it comes to planning a party or a wedding. People if you are in the market for party planner, Jeanne LaRoque can really do the trick, she's magic!

I also got to see a lot of old friends which was wonderful. I tried to see everyone and I am sorry if we didn't get the chance to meet up! I could have never imagined how busy I ended up being! I guess if you really want to see me you will have to come to Paraguay! A few of my college friends made the trip to spend some time with me and that was also so special. Its crazy how you go from living with a person for 3 years and seeing them every day to only seeing them once a year for a weekend.. shot out to you Lauren Hammond! We went to the zoo and it was fabulous!

I was sure I gained double my weight while I was home with all the delicious fast and easy food I was eating. I mean I forgot how beautiful the mall food court is. You literally have so many options right at your finger tips. I went in for chick-fil-a but wanted everything else, panda express? You have no idea how lucky you are! But when I came back to Paraguay I was told I was skinner and needed to eat more and that they must not feed you good in America... all lies.

So coming back to Paraguay is about the least glamorous thing ever. Not that I expected it to be, but you know world traveling sometimes is glamorous... this trip, no. Leaving Baltimore at 5pm in negative weather then flying overnight to Brazil arriving at 11am in 100 degrees with 90% humidity then to Paraguay where its even hotter...then into a taxi car with no ac straight to my house. I'd lie if I told you I didn't cry a little. I mean yes I love Paraguay and now I'm all better. But the culture shock I was feeling arriving back into country was deep and raw and I wanted to run away. So I did just that. Back to the city I went for the night with some friends to celebrate another volunteers birthday! And its just what I needed to get me back in the groove. After that night I went back to my house and put my self together and its back to reality, or at least my reality for now.

It's hot here, like hottest ever. But it slows you down and has allowed me to really sit down with people and talk about things, teach them things and talk about future projects. I was a little scared I would be miserable but things are working out. I'm back working at the health post, planning a summer camp and lesson plans for school to start again. And in a few weeks I will celebrate 1 year in country and that in itself is a reason to rejoice and be glad!

Paraguay is my home right now, wither somedays I call it that or not. I am content and incredible blessed to call it a home. I am also more blessed have been able to spend in my other home. Now to figure out how to maintain those two homes.... All I know is that I am still happy and enjoying the sunsets each day... even after tasting the flavors of my favorite foods of america and saying goodbye again. I am learning over and over again just how simple and satisfying it is to do without, a lesson I will continually be learning.

Happy New Year and sweet sweet summer time for me! Enjoy these pictures from my trip up until now!
The beautiful soon to be bride at her Bridal Shower! 
The cousins at Christmas! 
Lynchburg' s finest! 
The summer evenings sky in Paraguay 
My greeting crew at the airport! 
The best siblings anyone could have!

Celebrating Jules' Birthday back in Paraguay! 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post! :-) I love you and miss you so so much.
