Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Two Thousand and Thirteen

I've been thinking about this post for awhile...maybe all year but defiantly in the past few weeks. This is probable the last free night I will have of 2013. I am spending the next few nights with families here in Paraguay and then Monday I will be flying home and hope to be with family and friends every night! Such a sweet sweet thought.

So I can honestly say this year went by the fastest in all my 23 years of life. I knew 2013 was going to be a big one, just wasn't sure how big. I guess I can thank Paraguay for making this year the best for so many reasons. I wanted to take some time to reflect on what this year was for me, because it was such a big one! So here are the top 10 things that have made 2013 big, fun and very very special.

Number 1. My one and only sister  got engaged and that started the year out perfectly!
2. I got on an airplane with 22 strangers to Paraguay and started a little life for myself
3. I learned how to speak and understand confidently a new language and can even crack some jokes!
4. Adapted to one of the most different cultures I could have encountered while questioning it daily I kept with it and am so happy I did.
5. Was adopted by a family who I am literally in love with, like they were my own.
6. Moved into my own house, on my own. And in that same house live my life daily and happily!
7. Have created friendships that have changed the way I look at life and how I live my life.
8. Found somewhat of an identity in Paraguay and looking forward to what that will look like in the future.
9. Have spent more of 2013 in another county then in the USA!
10. And all of this was down while still feeling so connected with all my loved ones from home in America! Never doubting me and always cheering me on!

So theres my reflection on the past year, I know there are so many more but those are what come to mind right now. For me this has been a year of growth and independence unlike anything I could have imagined. I hope for you as well that this year meant something big for you. As for 2014 I am ready for something bigger and looking forward to whatever that maybe!

As for Paraguay right now- I am sweating out the hot summer days, drinking lots of ice water and trying to stay cool. School is out and I've had some girls over to work on christmas art crafts. A lot of stuff has gone on hold and I am waiting till the new year to pick it up. I also received my mentees ( future peace corps volunteers) who will be arriving at the end of January. I will be in contact with them to share all the secrets of peace corps volunteers.. haha!

Wishing all of you a happy happy Christmas and a joyful New Year!! Sending all my love!

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