Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Reconnect and a 50th Birthday party!

Peace Corps requires different training sessions through out a volunteers service. When I first arrived in country I was in pre-service training for 2 months... or prison...either way I got out of it alive and doing just fine now! For any future PCV's be warned that training will spin your head in every direction, preserver because service is a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e.l.y nothing like training! And thank the Lord for that truth! 
During one of out training sessions, as you can
see I needed to have my mate close by to keep my eyes open! 

So after 3 months in service/ site we had a training reconnect or also known as an in- service training. So last week I traveled back to my first host families house where I lived during training. I had language class and technical sessions all week. We had class Monday- Friday and it was exhausting, but rejuvenating at the same time if thats possible. I love my language professors and had a very successful time practicing my spanish more and actually being able to speak to them. During pre service training I could barely communicate in it was fun going back and talking their ear off! We had some debriefing and reflection time on that last 3 months which was very helpful. We had some technical sessions on how to build fogones, how to request money for a grant and write a proposal, trash management in PY and a session on nutrition. It was a nice time and we all felt recharged and ready to start projects! It was weird being back in the class room setting but with some mate, coffee and snack breaks it was doable! We will have out next training in October on a more specific project. 

This is at my house host families house for the Friendship
party with some of my volunteer friends!

On Tuesday of last week it was Dia de Amistad or Friendship Day in Paraguay... so we celebrated! During the day in class we made a fruit salad and I made a squash cake ( thought it was pumpkin, common mistake in PY....but still delicious) and there was not a piece left. Friendship day is very big here in Paraguay... I had no idea but my host family has a big party every year for it. So after class I went home to find my host dad grilling, people cooking sopa paraguay, beer being delivered and massive speakers being set up and then we celebrated....again. It was really fun and I have come to love Paraguayan fiestas! It amazes me how everything comes together and how much fun I have!  
Me with my host mom( the Birthday girl) and the desert table! 

This is a long post- and its about to get longer! Be warned, but I will try and use pictures... they tell the story better anyways! Training ended on Friday but I stayed at my host families because..... Saturday was my host moms 50th birthday and we were having...yes another party! The party never stops in Paraguay! Or at least at my host families house! I told my host mom at the end of the weekend "when ever I need a party or a good meal I'll just come back here" She smile and agreed!

The preparation started Friday night we pealed 30 kilos of mandioca and started making jello and cake! Saturday morning we woke up and worked all the way up till the party.. tables and chairs were delivered with plates, knives, forks and glasses as well... then wine 
and beer arrived. We had 4 grills cooking pork and 
other meats, we made 13 pans of sopa paraguay   
( basically cornbread) people were 
everywhere helping.. cleaning and 
setting up, it was a mad house 
and I loved every minute of it. 

My whole host family

Later the DJ arrived and set up as well as the band... yes we had a DJ and band.. and in-between all of that we had a massive lunch with a chicken that we killed that morning, and a fish stew..everyone helping.. it was amazing!

My host mom with her 3 daughters! 

Then around 8 the guest arrived.. all 150 of them. It got cold, like really cold but we kept going like it was nothing..Paraguayans are tough! We served food by the plate, soda by the bottle and beer by the liter and then danced....till late or till I wasn't cold anymore... and it was so much fun! One of the high lights of my time in Paraguay! 

Dancing the night away! 
The next morning more people arrived to clean up the party.. we cleaned had some more drinks then made another lunch, I ate so much but was so happy. Paraguayans really know how to celebrate and I was so happy to be apart of that celebration! 
Me with my 2 cousin and my 2 host sisters 

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