Thursday, August 15, 2013

6 Months!

Just as quickly as the 6 month marker came last week and has quickly passed and I am well on my way to 7 months in country! As I reflect on these first 6 months I have a lot of thoughts... In the Peace Corps world 6 months is nothing...a little sliver of time and I guess its that way with life. Although I did give myself a big pat on the back and made myself a big bowl of popcorn to celebrate! It is still very exciting and note worthy. I still have a ways to go and haven't really started projects, just laying ground work....but I have been here for 6 months and not in America and that is exciting!

I have been keeping a list of things I've been without for 6 months that to you my audience stateside might cringe to think of going without for 6 months....but for me it has become completely natural, and have sort of forgotten what life was like before..

1. hot running water that is shock free, consistent and flowing from all faucets in my house

on the city bus, what I have traded my car for! 
2. a microwave
3. driving and using a car as a main form of transportation
4. a washing machine
5. a dryer ( crucial for winter months like now)
6. central heating or let alone any kind of heating system
7. air conditioning
My washing machine and dryer 

8. a t.v

9. the ability to run to the store in less then 2 hours to get cheese or toilet paper
10.control over the amount of dirt on my body and everywhere around me

But with that I have had 6 months of greater things in return that I could never begin to list attempt would be that I am more relaxed here without all of those things above, I am developing a deep passion for cooking, baking and all things domestic.

Meet Valentina, her laugh is contagious and she is beautiful!

I am finally in a place where I rely on public transit and not worry about a car, I am developing a greater passion for doing the little things we let machines do everyday in America. Also the friends, people, kids and family I have made here are constantly touching my heart and have made these 6 months beautiful....

the beautiful red dirt that is own or in everything I own

I am dirty most of the time and right now cold and wish nothing more to stick it out and welcome in this time because it is all about of this experience, because at the end of the day I am doing what I want to do and I am happy and all of those things will be at home after this.

So here is to another 6 months hopefully a little warmer, wiser and wilder! Viva Paraguay!  

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