Saturday, June 22, 2013

Empanada's and Winter!

Well its still rainy and only getting colder. We welcomed our first day of winter this past week, its hard to believe that North America is welcoming their summer ahora ( right now). But thats what happens when I’m living on another still blows my mind a little when I think about that! Winter here is pretty cold. It consist of lots of layers, lots of hot mate and grey sky’s. There is no type of heat in the houses and very little insulation, which makes for very cold nights. If i had to describe it I would say its like camping but in my house. I wear all my “camping gear” to stay warm but Im in my bed and in my house. I do enjoy all the mate drinking I’ve been doing and the quality time spent with the Paraguayans. They really know how to bundle up and keep warm. These next 3 months will be difficult because I HATE being cold, but I just keep remindeding myself it is all apart of the experience and everything will work out. It may cause for painfully cold showers and lots of damp clothes but they (the Paraguayans) all say it will pass quickly. 

Today I cooked empanada’s with my friend and her mother. Usually Paraguayans eat empanada’s with some kind of meat and they are not the healthiest. When I make empanada’s I make them with soy or carne de soja in spanish. My friend Romy and her mom have been asking me to make empanadas with them and to teach them a healthier way of eating. The thing with Paraguayans is they want to eat healthier but they don’t know how and don’t understand how to improve their eating habits. This is where I get to give a little nutrition lesson but also spend time helping them and sharing a meal. Now Paraguayans are also picky eaters, they know what they like and they really don’t like trying new things. So although I would have liked to bake these empanada’s they wanted to fry them. As much as I hate eating the fried food here, on a cold day like today it was delicious and perfect. 

I tried to document the whole process so you could see how its done. We cooked the soy first and I added some cumin seasoning from America! I had to add it when they weren’t looking because they thought it was too spicy and didn’t want it....but the soy needs some flavor! Then we boiled, peeled and chopped up the eggs. We bought the empanada disc already made and stuffed them with the soy and egg. Then they were ready for frying! And the were rico (delicious) Almost all meals are cooked over open fires here. It is quicker and most families don’t have any type of traditional stove or oven. I have learned so many new things that are possible to cook over fires. I will be set next time I actually do go camping and have to cook over a fire!  Enjoy the photos! And if you need an actually recipe for empanada’s let me know, they are pretty simple! 

Los huevos (eggs) 

My lindo ( beautiful) empanada! 

The work space

Before the frying...

over the fire 

look at all that oil...never seen such a pretty sight! 

Termino ( finished) 

Friday, June 14, 2013

My weekend "home"

Its raining, really raining right now. I have a few choices of activities to do when it rains here. I had a day played with Paraguayans but when it rains everything is cancelled and  everyone goes into their houses like they are going to melt if they get wet. It is nice though, it is an excuse to do nothing, relax, watch movies and not feel bad about it. So my activities I could be doing right not include; watching my new movie Pitch Perfect I got in my care package yesterday, study spanish, clean my house for the second time today, bake, write or sleep. I am lucky that when it rains I don’t loose power so I have some options. Right now I will write while laying in my bed enjoying the calm noise of rain falling. I am thankful for this rainy day, after I will defiantly watch my movie! 

This past weekend I went back to my first host family’s house for a visit in the community of Guazu Cora. I had not been back in a month and wasn’t sure how it was going to be, but it was great! While I was en route to the town I started to get that feeling I always got in college when I was driving back to Annapolis and was going over the Severn River bridge... that feeling of being home. It was a weird feeling because that town is not really my home, but then I realized that will be my home for these 2 years, and it gives me so much joy! When I walked into my house my host mom was so excited to see me. It was so right, my whole family was so happy that I was there, I felt home. Then I went to my room and only got better, I had really missed my bed from that house. And you know that feeling when you miss your bed and you finally get to sleep in it... oh I how I missed that bed! 

We had a nice weekend, but that family never slows done. We had 3 birthdays that weekend, lots of cook outs, lots of meat, lots of dancing, lots of activities! Some of the other volunteers were visiting as well so we hung out and it was so nice to see those families too. Everyone was so happy to have us back, Guazu Cora is a special place. I am enjoying my community I am living in now, but the community and the people of Guazu Cora will always been my home. I look forward to going back there over these next 2 years. 

It seems the days are going by faster and faster as I learn and adjust to the culture here. Some days it is easier and some days it is harder. But I can honestly say at the end of the day I am happy to be here, I am happy to be living in this country and in this culture and I am excited to share it with you. Please if you have any questions I am an open book. I would like this blog to not only be a creative outlet for myself but also a resource for my readers. Peace Corps has 3 goals of service for their volunteers. The 3rd goal aims to help Americans understand the people and cultures of other countries. It is one of the three goals that support the mission of the Peace Corps to promote world peace and friendship. With is 3rd goal we are promoted to use our experiences in country to educate and inform those back in america. 

That is my hope with this blog. To have a space to share with you what I am doing here, teach you a little about the world down here in Paraguay and be a resource to you. Enjoy! 
The sun setting on Sunday night in the front yard of my host families  house,  that view will never get old! 

My little host niece Angie, she is growing up so fast! She calls me "Tia" Aunt in spanish! 

There was a big church celebration in my community over the weekend. There is a  this virgin doll that is passed around by all the churches and this past weekend it was welcomed into my community  It was a huge deal and there was a parade and everyone came to watch and welcome her into the church! It was beautiful and this is  picture of the men caring her in.
I GOT A PACKAGE! Thanks mom and nanny and Aunt Lynn! Tonight I made potato soup with the Old Bay you sent me and I pretended it was Maryland cream of crab soup... and it almost tasted the same :) 


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Site Presentation

I had my site presentation this past Tuesday, and it was awesome! My boss came out for the day and it was so nice to have her here and help with my presentation. Your site presentation is when you are presented to your community officially. It happens once you have been in your site for a little bit of time ( for me it was a month). Peace Corps explains to your community what your role and purpose is in the community for the next 2 years. Mine was at my school and lots of people came. 

Site presentations are different for everyone and I did not know just what to expect. I spent the past weekend handing out invitations to my community with some of the kids.I tried to invite everyone I have met so far plus some new people. It is a little intimidating to invite random Paraguayans to things... but thats the beauty of the process. So when tuesday came I didn’t know what to expect. Also the principle of my school was a little unsure if people would come as well. But I made banana bread and oatmeal cookies with exceptions of a least a couple people....but I was surprised! There were at least 50 people there if not more! It was again intimidating being in front of 50 paraguayans in a room together but some how I managed to introduce myself and give a little presentation of myself... and I think they actually understood me!!! 

My boss spoke a lot and I think everyone enjoyed it. I now feel so much more official and really feel like people know about me and what I am going to be doing here for the next two years, it is a great feeling but I have a lot of work to do! The principle and I have been talking about my projects and people keep asking when I am going to start my projects everyone is getting really excited to work with me... makes me excited too! 

So this week was exhausting... I spent the last weekend and Monday preparing for my presentation. Also Monday night one of the other volunteers stayed with me and I cooked a nice dinner.Then Tuesday was my presentation and that was an all day affair. Wednesday I went into the Peace Corps office to have my horse bit looked at and found out it was infected... so thats great! On new medication for that! Then last night two other volunteers stayed with me and we had a delicious lasagna and relaxed. And today, Thursday I worked in the school and helped teach the pre schoolers... they were precious! But I am exhausted and want to sleep for days! So tomorrow I am traveling back to my old community to spend the weekend with my first host family! I cannot wait to relax and get away from site for a long weekend! I hope you enjoyed the play by play of my life this past week! 

Enjoy your weekend and I will celebrating my 4 months in Paraguay this Saturday! Cheers!  

My boss and I after my presentation!