Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Life is Good

This will be short and super sweet. I just needed to blog real quick because today was a good day and I want to come back in 5 years and be reminded of this day. Nothing crazy happened it was just good. My spanish very fluent today and I had great conversations with my community, the sun was shining, I took a long walk on the country side, observed classes in my school, ate fresh fruit, made new friends that I am so thankful for already, ate kraft mac and cheese and did my laundry. It was a hot day and I loved it.

I loved that for the most part of the day I had the realization that this my life for the next 2 years and I didn't mind it... I actually started to love it. This transition into site is difficult and these first 3 months can be the most changeling  That is way you take days like to day when everything seems right to reflect and hold on to that feeling. So this is my savoring the feeling... telling you about it!

I hope you all had a great day today. Because these great days allow us to laugh at the really bad, awkward days that we will all have eventually. So laugh and go out there and help someone have a really good day. After all its the people right? You

Oh and last night I had my friend over who is another volunteer and we cooked an amazing "gourmet" dinner! Another thing that I will savor, dinners with friends and good conversation! Thanks Jenna! Here's too 2 years!
Best part of the meal was the real olive oil dipping sauce we made for out wheat bread...Mom and Nanny, you know how important this was for me! 

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