Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Meet G 41!

These are the 22 other people I have been going through training with. We met in Miami and all 23 of us flew down to beautiful Paraguay together.  I thought I would blog a little about them and the whole meaning behind a “G” another lovely Peace Corps term. 

So our training center is located in a small town called Guarambare which is where the G comes from. Each new group that comes in has a number and we are the 41st group to come through so we are Guarambare 41 or G-41! At first I thought 41 was the number of trainees but I was wrong. We also have “sister G’s” who swore in over the past 2 years. Peace Corps does a really good job at setting up the attitude and role of the G and making us all feel like a family. From the beginning they stressed how important your G would be over these next 2 years. At first it was strange to think about getting so close to 22 strangers but now it is all coming together. We are all doing this together, learning together, stressing out together and taking on this challenge. It has been really fun getting to my G, they are great. I am lucky to have such a unique and special group of people to share these 2 years with. 

Although we will be placed in all different places around Paraguay, you are still encouraged to see each other. Over the 2 years G’s will plan trips into the city together for weekends and take vacations together. It is common to visit the sites of other G mates and talk frequently with one another. As you all know I am a talker and sometimes you just need to speak some good old english with other Americans, this is when your G comes in! I have already experienced this and will probably experience more over the next 2 years. Also our sister G is really close, they swore in last April. They are planning on coming to our swear in dinner and organizing a weekend in May in Asuncion where we can all go out and get to know each other. 

For the most part ever one in my G is under 25 and has graduated college, worked a little and traveled ALOT. Lots of world travelers among me, it is really interesting to hear about the places people have been and they things they have done. We spend a lot of time together now, some times a little to much but I keep telling myself in a few short months we will be very far from each other. It does help that we can talk for free on our Paraguayan cells phones, thanks to our lovely Peace Corps cooperate plan! 

Song of the Week: Daddy Yankee- Limbo- On repeat, check it out!!  

Also, I woke up this morning to my host Dad skinning out pig... it was a very interesting experience, it was weird how natural it seemed. 

Happy Semana Santa y Easter!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Getting sworn in sounds scary!! But I know you were born to do this.

    Love you,

