Tuesday, August 16, 2016

I love you Paraguay

It's that simple. I love you Paraguay. I love your blossoming flowers this time of year. I love the fullness of life you give me. I love your fresh, delicious harvest of fruits and veggies. I love how green you are, how no matter were you turn there is abunant lushness. I love your surprises. How you always keep me on my feet. I love your laughter, for your people truly are the happiest. I love your sounds and the birds that always seem to follow me with their hyms. I love your color and the way you sun kiss everything in site. I love your pride and your history that has made you, you. I love the hands of your people, how they seem to always be open, ready to give. I love your invitations and the fiestas that follow. I love your sky and its perfect color blue. I love the way you have made me, me. 

I'm taking some time to reflect on the things I love about Paraguay, as I only have one more week here. I could never really put into words everything that I love about Paraguay, there is just too much. As I finish this season in my life I am comforted knowing that I will be back. So much of my heart is here, I know it won't be long before I return. I closed my service as a Peace Corps Volunteer last week and am now officially a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer as they like to call us. Check out the image below. In Paraguay when a volunteer closes their service they ring a bell as a symbol of finishing their time as a volunteer. Thanks for everyone's support and love! I look forward to seeing a lot of you stateside in the coming weeks! 

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