Monday, April 6, 2015

Note cards

Over 2 years ago I had a going away party before I came to Paraguay. At that party I had the guest write me letters and notes that I would open and read over the next 2 years. It was a weird idea at first but I had seen someone do something similar and it sounded neat. I knew there would be some days were I needed to open a card and hear from a family member or a friend. I sure was right. I opened those cards almost every month. Sometimes I’d open a bunch at the same time if it was one of “those days” others had dates on them on when to open them. It was fun having some snail mail already here with me. 

Its hard to explain how much joy, happiness and contentment these cards have bought me over these 2 years. I have cherished each one of them and have safely kept each one. Today I opened the last few and each one still surprises me. Some of these people I haven’t spoken with since that party and yet I read their note and feel so close to them. I thought it would be special to share a few on my blog. I thought maybe my readers would enjoy seeing some of the encouraging, loving and inspiring messages that kept my head up, heart open and mind focused these last 2 years. Enjoy!!