Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Camp Update!

We are fully funded!! Thank you to everyone that donated during the Holiday season! I was so overwhelmed with the generosity of others and the support I received from family and friends. I really feel like you are all a part of this camp and are invested like I am. I wish you could all be a part of the planning and preparations because there is SO MUCH TO DO.

I have been passing my summer days in planning meetings and hiding behind my computer screen searching for the best internet signal to send emails. We have been working hard developing this camp and the campers will arrive next Monday, that is so soon! I wanted to give you all an updated and let you know I am alive and well just busy with camp stuff. Our participant list is growing by the day and we are preparing for an awesome week. I will be sure to post a complete debrief on how camp went next week and also let you know of some other very exciting news!

Besides planning for camp I attended my Close of Service conference last week with the whole group that I came to Paraguay with. I have also been spending a lot of time with fellow volunteers as our time together is fading. Other then that I have been hiding anywhere there is AC. The days are hot here and I try and escape them however I can. Wishing you all the best where ever you are in this beautiful world. Now time to work out some more camp details ! I can't wait to share the week with you!!